
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @sexandtheswiss: Says way more about him than it does you.

(And you're certainly not boring!) ❤️



Did anybody see those two military planes that just flew really really low over West Hollywood?

If so does anybody know what were? WOW.




R to @cjelbueno: Yes! Exactly like you describe - rotors above each wing.

Were they choppers then? They were SO LOUD but by the time we ran outside they were too far away to see very clearly.



R to @corastacy: Aw! You're so sweet! Yes my heart was beating through my chest!

They may have been enormous choppers actually.

I just learned that Biden is landing momentarily so that explains it



R to @PutItOnRepeat_: I think it was Biden. Wow!

I only saw the two. But it took us too long to run out of the house so we might have caught just the end of it. God they were loud.



R to @Yanivski: Amazing, right? I think it could have been the President.

I just read he was due to arrive Wednesday afternoon which I think is today..



R to @cjelbueno: You're exactly right, according to what I'm hearing from others. I'm amazed at how people can recognize so quickly.

I honestly thought they were going to land on my house. I'm just off Melrose.

I think it's Biden?



R to @corastacy: I'd have to go to the aviation museum first then I'd come to your house!

Kidding! ❤️



R to @GurllyR: Wow. So what would the choppers have been doing? Trying to work out which way they were flying.



R to @tonywayne: Love this!

I've never guessed first time either. I think if I did I would have to start playing the lottery - which I have sworn I would never do!



R to @Yanivski: Holy s!

So the President just flew over our houses?
My daughter and I are way too excited about this..😂

Also just found out that Marine one never flies alone it always has at least two or more so there is a decoy. I love the stuff



R to @littlecat123: Omg seriously?

I'm on a seriously tight budget at the moment - but that's literally - that's less than a Trader Joe visit..

THANK YOU! I have a few hours to think it over! You are so kind!



R to @littlecat123: OMG - the reviews for it are insane!

The usual few disgruntled people but nearly everyone else is raving about it...



Ok I have an animal question:

Why does my dog go nuts at the smell of cooked chicken?

Historically, they would have hunted and eaten meat raw, right?

So how did they learn to appreciate the smell of cooked meat?

All thoughts appreciated!