
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @MLMPrivate: I cheat on cheese, otherwise life isn't fair. But I pay for it so badly.

I'm doing a weird diet based mostly on boiled eggs (don't ask yet) it's for weight loss but it seems to be really helping with SIBO.

No sugar or grains. Tea, coffee, wine: very much on the bubble...😭



R to @ElkieGal: That's what I was thinking~ salmonella!

But the tik-toks my kid shows me they give them raw eggs and egg shell and chicken heads and fish tails and I'm not sure what else.

Imma maybe give raw chicken a try.



R to @ElkieGal: Get out!! That is nuts! I wonder how they even found that out!😂😂😂



R to @MLMPrivate: That's funny I once asked a doctor how many fibromyalgia patients he had had who had 'recovered'. (He was in his 70s)

He gave me a blank/weird look.

Then he said: 'Well, none."

Then we talked about regular testing for RA, MS, lupus etc + just LIVING with it. Kind of similar



R to @HouseVernius: I'm just so impressed by everybody.

I'm certain I could NEVER do it!



R to @MLMPrivate: That's the pain in the ass thing... the constant exclusion testing .

One of my docs said similar - it was lupus but the patient was testing negative. For ten years!



R to @MLMPrivate: Oh God no! I didn't see the word 'lost'. I just saw 'missed'. So he misdiagnosed and she passed away?

Poor guy. Poor patient. That's heartbreaking!😢



R to @MLMPrivate: I'm so sorry to hear that. Jesus.
That's when I get angry. When people ask why we have to see neurologists and endocrinologists etc etc and have blood tests so often if it's "just fibro".

Sometimes people think it's overreacting. It's not.



R to @odvo: I am Gen X, my daughter is Gen Z.

They change them almost every week! Literally every few days she will look over my shoulder and say that the emoji I have just used is "starting to become problematic" or "doesn't really mean what it used to"

This 😂 is also bad apparently!



R to @JewishResister: This is one of the most repulsive things I've ever seen.

Utter and total POS



R to @Ms_Brighty: I know - imagine it alive and kicking then slowly falling to the ground because you put several bullets in it. Life extinguished.

And that making your day.



R to @StuWatts73: Today's?

Todays was ridiculous. I think I may have uttered it once or twice in chemistry class in the 80s!



R to @lknation: I have - sadly it didn't do much good.

I do believe it helped when I was doing all my IVFs though so I think it can help some things. I once had a guy promise me I would feel no more pain ever in 10 sessions.

I was extremely excited. It didn't happen! 😢