
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @WhenWr64: Yes but they couldn't do it themselves, could they? They don't have opposable thumbs.

So I still have a conundrum - they prefer cooked meat but need another species to prepare it for them. Not many species like that are there?



R to @bennywarren: Unfortunately I am deep into a court-case which has cost me not only all the money I personally earned, but all the savings I had put aside for the kids college funds.

I'm down to nothing.
I cannot join any groups or reveal anything about myself until this is all over! 😬



R to @bennywarren: They're for 2025! Sometime after August. You'll be the first to get a copy.



R to @OneCopaceticCAT: So I hear!

The rest of my life will not be spent, as I had hoped, writing novels and taking the occasional acting part, but keeping up religiously on which emoji has been canceled day my day in order to not embarrass my daughters

I'm ok with that though. I think



R to @JasperKlewer: Of course! That's what I was searching for that I am understanding now - we have influenced their taste but also how they evolve because it has been so long since they have had to survive without us



R to @katytheauthor: Yeah I find that! Mine appears to have adapted to anything that smells like OUR food!



R to @PoisonILDWriter: So true!

I had a mini-crisis yesterday afternoon. I just sat there helpless and went from feeling relatively normal to crashed out on the sofa rocking back and forth.

The only thing that had changed was the weather outside, that had become very thick and close.



R to @thedreadedheidi: But none of us in the house eats chicken - not that way anyway.

On the few times we brought her chicken and cooked it she literally went insane. properly insane!

Actually I seem to remember the lady from the shelter saying she gave them chicken some times.. maybe that's it



R to @aniceknight0081: I do too! Because bring out fried chicken and she becomes MANIAC CHIHUAHUA