
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @cookieAngel420: I did and you are the FUNNIEST!!!

it was extremely funny and inspiring and part of what brought about this epiphany I had a few hours ago!

You are adorable. Can I claim you? 😂



R to @SpeedyX04005298: No! Sending virtual head strokes!

Please don't feel lonely. There is love here. ❤️



R to @MissCross_Bones: She's right and it's easy to work on.

Never, ever think that nobody thinks you're attractive or wants to hug you.
You are wrong. Because you are worthy. You are attractive.

Sending big internet love. ❤️



What an incredible woman. She's making sure the opposition VP is safe!

Can't get over this. True compassion.



R to @ResistAlert: Yup. it almost felt like a Mom talking to her adult child.




R to @sean_m_maguire: Sean you took the words out of my mouth. That's exactly what I feel.



R to @Veronique2707: You, Vero, have ALWAYS been there for me. Always.

I won't ever forget.




R to @jadewelshy: Ok. Let's schedule a chat.

I'll DM you a number you can call me on.

We need to get you sorted. I know USA/CA and UK law is quite different but I'm sure I can help give you some pointers.

Don't panic, sweet angel!



R to @Sian1972Sian: Aw, you're always so kind.

I promise you, seeing certain familiar names come up over and over again supporting me when I was being hated by half the country was a think I will never forget.



R to @DIYRealLife: I'm the one on the left.

They never told me there was going to be a picture on my right. I should have asked for more money!



R to @random_snakes: I totally agree with you.

I don't mind the poop articles. But why pretend they're 'trending'?

Why not tell us what really is trending.
Most topics not just lead you to a newspaper with a paywall.



R to @dunnclan: Wow. Thank you for that. I'm so glad you have made it through.

I was under the impression that having had shingles (as I have - and yes, OUCH) meant you didn't need the vaccine but clearly I am wrong.

Again- thank you!



R to @debsomewhere: The worst. The actual pain itself is easily on a par with childbirth.

It's a very different type of pain - much sharper, more intense, but easily as painful.

AND you don't get the relief between contractions that you do with childbirth!