
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
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R to @William80042317: It's funny - I haven't touched them in over 20 years but when I DID... those "Hermasetas" in the chic blue box?

I was constantly panicking about not having enough. Closest I have come to real addiction I think.

I eventually got off them but I often wonder if it played a part.



R to @TracieBDT: Fascinating.

So it's evolution really.
They like the meat, but then one day they smelled the meat in a different form and it was literally orgasmic for them.

Like finding out that chocolate is nice, and VERY nice with caramel inside, but if then if you sprinkle salt on top..



R to @bennywarren: Thank you and I love you all for it so so much.

Never forget.

And people who tell INSANE lies in a court of law are at a pretty high risk of perjury.

That's all I can say... for the mo'

Lov ya's!



R to @Wilderauthor: Babe - you will learn to live with it and MAYBE, just maybe it will get better. (Asia Argento's did).

But I totally understand. I have had two days where the pain was so severe it made me constantly want to vomit and since I hate vomiting I was fighting against that...



R to @AliceEvansGruff: And listen the more people we have like you on our side the more we are going to be taken seriously

Pub Medium is great, but I found great solace in Cort Johnson's two sites-Phoenix Rising and Health rising.

They mostly concentrate on ME/CFS but there is a WEALTH for us too!



R to @Ew_en_Owen: Yaaaaaay! Tell everybody!

I feel like I need a bit of love after two horrendous years!



R to @jadewelshy: Well you have MY support little beauty!

I have just found out that a certain person made 10 x what he told his lawyers he made.

Therefore he could have taken care of his kids schools and maybe seen them more than once a year.

Will have to take this down in a sec but.. sicko



R to @UHawaii07: It's HORRENDOUS!

BUT... I have younger peeps to look after, older peeps to pay and friends I don't want thinking I've lost the plot so I'm playing it very Stepford 😆



R to @jadewelshy: WE HAVE to talk.

I went through three lawyers and they were mean as hell!

Now I have the most amazing woman.. AND she's better than them.

She literally has her plan until the end. I'm gobsmacked. It takes a while I guess!



R to @UHawaii07: Yes! Yes, I DEFINITELY NEED THOSE. And more than a few!




This is the happiest I have been since early 2020.

It's not much, but it should be celebrated !


Love to all the people I speak to every day. You MAKE my days. Alice x



R to @MrsHoldenLFC: Thank you. They told me that too yesterday. Might have had something to do with it... ☺️