
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


I am sick so I just watched #TheGoodNurse. (ha!) Slow paced yet phenomenal movie. Extraordinary acting/direction. And #EddieRedmayne.. I had to keep pinching myself to check it was really him. His entire demeanor morphs. It's astonishing. He will be nominated across the board.



R to @StuWatts73: uh.. I don't think it's EXACTLY like that.. I mean obvs I haven't SEEN Black Adam but from what I have heard I.....




R to @losingitlaura: It's brilliant. Really brilliant. You kind of know what's going to happen but there's enough confusion that you don't.

Loved it.



R to @SarahLouisaColl: My Mum did the same after I fell into a bunch of nettles! (Well there was the desperate Dock Leaf hunt first) But I was screaming so hard she just took me down the steps to the beach and plonked me in with a fizzzzz.

It was pain and pleasure in an exquisite combination



R to @salves79: But how do you stag an intervention on a man who has his own security and yes men?

We need to stop reporting on him first.



R to @Wednesdaywewear: Duckers.

Took me ages to spell Wordle without it autocorrecting to World! Then it did it behind my back after I'd pressed the button!

The would is just that I condensed it a bit and forgot to put back the 'not'.

You guys are so sweet to notice + suggest I might be impaired



R to @AliceEvansGruff: You must get a kick out of it.

Mind you, I've seen your TL so I guess you have to get a kick out of something!!!!



R to @Wednesdaywewear: It's "favorite" (that must be the wine getting to you)

And yay! for you to find a past-time!

I bet people find you really fun!



R to @Wednesdaywewear: Nobody is replying to you so I thought I would. You know, so it doesn't look so sad.