
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @Wednesdaywewear: @TonyEva92385840 do you now this chick?

She's looking for a fight and she lives in Bristle



R to @karenp974: Thank you sweet Karen.

You do so much for everyone and you are ill yourself and yet always thinking of others.



R to @Ell62528288: I think she deleted it.

Then a whole bunch of trolls started on my calling me the usual you know - bully, narcissist (LOL) because they hadn't seen her original mean tweet, only my reply.

I blocked 'em all.



R to @bvjacqui: I didn't threaten anyone!

Also 75% of her followers were anti-Alice. So I knew where her comment was coming from.

Also WHY point out a spelling mistake?

She gets what she asks for. But I never threaten anybody.



I'm really sorry.
I replied to the wrong person.
You did, in fact, point out my spelling mistakes but you said nothing about wine or impairment.

I am trouble sorry and you didn't deserve this. AT ALL.

I hope you will be able to forgive me.

Alice ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



R to @Wednesdaywewear: I have! And I am sorry! I apologized right up top!

I feel like such an idiot.

And you seem like such a sweet person.

I hope you can forgive!!! Alice xx



R to @TonyEva92385840: It was the person after - called "Excelsior" or something, who added a mean bit about too drunk to spell or whatever (seriously - have you TRIED to spell wordle with a predictive text

He had a rectangular gray avatar. Can't find him anywhere



R to @OnionWitchII: 😂😂😂😂😂

I had to stand outside coffee bars.

it wasn't so much the drinking of it, just the smell...



R to @vvillustration: Thank you!

We have had a house full of sick women! (not covid)

Only Elsie soldered through - as she does..



R to @Wilderauthor: He's wonderful. I met him when he was firs starting out and I couldn't believe he was so young - he had everything planned out but in an incredibly humble and thorough way and he was asking questions to everybody. Smart guy.



R to @Wednesdaywewear: Yeah I get it now and am totally mortified. So sorry. 😳