
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
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R to @PaulFI9: Ricky Gervais dedicates an entire character to Mr Corden in "After Life". The character is named James. its worth watching anyway because the series is brilliant, but even more so when you realize who "James" is.



R to @Wilderauthor: He's also been mean to lower ranked people than himself for years and never seemed to get called out about it.

check out when Kimmel asked him if he knew the name of anybody on his crew - about 3 years ago. He didn't.



R to @ezzajeffa: I think it is though don't you?

I mean - given the references.

Then there's that convo about the "dream dinner guests"



R to @M0rganaF: It is. Really is. Made me bawl with tears AND fall on the floor laughing.



R to @karenp974: If they don't get back to you you need to fire them.

I had one that didn't and it was SO hard - it's hard enough anyway.

I totally understand. When you are low on spoons there is all this legal crap to get though - AND they don't call back.

Keep calling people. I found mine.



R to @AliceEvansGruff: And I'm so glad I didn't stay with the others. She calls me back immediately and is super punctual.

I was 18 months with not so good ones though (for me - they may have been good for others) and I totally feel your pain.



R to @vvillustration: If one is to believe industry rumors, it was ever thus.



R to @chriostoir_g: Chris! Hi there~ ! Missed you!

Thank you so much.

Back for a while. Things rough as hell but I'm feisty so hopefully we'll get through it!

Muchos hugs!



R to @kiera77uk: I know, right?

I thought when the Ellen secret got out then the JC one would follow but everybody was too scared to bite!

You guys are AWESOME by the way. Especially in the UK - so organized and polite!



R to @Wilderauthor: I can't bear when people do it. Maybe I've been a waitress too many times but I just think it's the worst example of showing your real character.



R to @sexandtheswiss: I didn't actually notice anything but a few years ago somebody very close to me worked with him.

Then I heard all the stories. Total shock.



R to @sexandtheswiss: Really? You are very perceptive clearly!

I haven't watched karaoke carpool but I might now!



R to @TonyEva92385840: You're so sweet. I love you on twitter. I love you anyway, but adore you on twitter. ❤️



R to @kiera77uk: Aw! Bless your cottons!

I haven't even been able to get back since the pandemic!

make sure you introduce yourself if you can next time we cross paths!

hugs hugs xx