
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


My Grandad had an #allotment behind his house in Leicestershire.

When he retired after 40 yrs in the mines it was his pride and joy. His reason to get up every morning.

Then one day the land was sold and built on. His allotment was gone, almost overnight. I still can't bear it



R to @BelfastGemmaS: Thank you.

He was such a wonderful quiet man. The coal mines mis have been so awful and seeing the change in him was amazing and then to lose that -

It's still one of the things I can't bear to think about too much.



R to @TonyEva92385840: Yes but not necessarily.

There are also tons of things you remember that I don't.

Can't imagine what a coma does to a person though. You are incredible - you keep everyone else afloat and you've been through hell.



I agree with this. But NOT for a fee! Verify anybody who wants to show their face and by all means give them priority. Trolls and bots are always anonymous.

But don't make it about who can pay and who can not!



R to @TonyEva92385840: Yes, Steph will definitely know I'll ask her.

Funny how we found out about so many family deaths through others.

Remember when Dad texted "As you probably all three already know, Granny Dot has passed away".

it was like - a week later!



R to @SrowlesSarah: I think he's just drunk on power and money.

He doesn't really seem to know what he wants or what he believes.



R to @Lingzi_W: I was just thinking that!

I think he may have gravely misjudged the people of twitter!




R to @TonyEva92385840: I'm so glad you have the best wife in the world at your side constantly.

I love her as much as I do you. You won the lottery, bro.



R to @TonyEva92385840: oh, somebody will.

And the funny thing is, they won't even mean it. Cos those that are generally offended will just block or mute us.

Twitter is an excellent place for finding good people cos the douchebags reveal themselves so willingly!



R to @beatlebabe2000: Omg YES!

When I was pregnant I started trying - one side was pretty easy (my Dad's) but with my Mum's side they just disappeared three generations back. There must have been a big move.

Other thing is I have so many DNA relations in the US. How so? I'll DM you!



R to @TonyEva92385840: So weird - absolutely nothing to do with me being born here.

On 23andme I have more relatives in the US than the UK.

Means you do too.