
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @MLMPrivate: Yeah. All of them.
The CBD ones do nothing.
The THC makes me high as a kite and it takes forever to come down. It's terrifying.

I think you need to be either really lucky or find a really really good Cannabis trained doctor.

Now it's legal it's just like candy.



R to @TheLondonSmoke: Quite often it just means no jeans or sneakers.

But you're not wrong - there will be a lot of puffy beige chinos and you will not be one of them.



R to @TheLondonSmoke: Yes that's why I said you will NOT be one of them....?



R to @punkishunicorn: Thank you punk-unicorn.. So nice to re-connect. ❤️

Weird thing I noticed every time I checked in is that they were not very good at spelling or articulating either.

I don't know if that is connected, but it was just a thought!



R to @katk1979: ME TOO! And that is why I had it in my head! Since I was trying to teach the kids what it meant.

I love little co-incidences don't you? ❤️😁



R to @RickResisted: Don't ask... I still wake up worrying about how my eggs are growing...



R to @bennywarren: Clear. However her point was (once I'd put all the shopping away) to ask why CARTOON characters sometimes have blue tears, and was this related to anything in nature. 🙄

I did a little research and I've come to the conclusion it's just to make them stand out. I hope.



R to @MeL8tleigh: 'depending on the make-up' just made me laugh uproariously!



R to @Dee73275311: We are having the BEST time.

Sure, we've been hurt, but our estrogen-filled house is full of love and we're learning to live on less than a tenth of what we did.

We pull each other up - we laugh uproariously. We tease (a little) and we have 3 extended families for Elsie!



R to @cookieAngel420: Now you gonna make me cry! (but in a good way!)

Thank you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



R to @princessamiira: 😂😂😂I didn't realize how funny this was teh first time I read it!



R to @TheLondonSmoke: Oh thank god. I thought we may have gotten off to an awkward start...