
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @punkishunicorn: Thank you and like-wise! Gone cry now. Everyone is being so nice!

Love you!



R to @Wilderauthor: Here's the thing though, do MASSES of research before you go.

Because the "experts" in the snazzy stores (designed after Apple) have NO clue of what they are selling you and are on commission.

You have so many strains and strengths and ratios.. I would KNOW before you go!



R to @Wilderauthor: The THC makes me crazy. But there is also the dose, and then there is Indica or Savica - and the relationship between those four.

I spent a LOT of money then gave up.

As a single mother I just CANNOT afford to be high on my own with them for even 10 minutes...



R to @TonyEva92385840: No and I won't unless I am wrong.
In this case I have hurt nobody.

I trusted a person with my life and that of our children and that person withdrew his trust suddenly and in the cruelest of ways.

There will be no winner. Only shattered lives.



R to @HalynaYanchenko: Omg the fear in her eyes.

Brave girl for continuing to film it though. We need to see the reality of it for every day people as much as possible.



R to @Wilderauthor: Yes - I'm constantly saying "but please ask again!" when I say no to something in case they give up on me altogether!



R to @MalyndaHale: He thinks it's a 'gotcha' because Joe is admitting Hunter has a problem and showing compassion rather than anger.

Since Hannity has never experienced compassion or empathy in his entire life he completely misses the point. Wow.



R to @MLMPrivate: Incredible. So obvious. And yet they all nod their heads like they're taught to.



R to @MLMPrivate: Agree! My situation changed a lot recently so I just can't afford it for the moment. I was like you though - went to the same place regularly and it definitely helped.