
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @Sian1972Sian: It's sick isn't it.

Child abuse.

People are collecting everything they say though.

How soon people forget Caroline Flack.

As soon as my Divorce is over I am going to the police with all the screenshots and the real names.



R to @TonyEva92385840: Tone - please can you all block that person.

It's not a man it's a woman.
I can't get on twitter without the replies to it hitting me in the face.

Please just block. It just makes me upset and it's not good for the kids 😰



R to @VABVOX: Oh my goodness I have tears streaming down my face.
I didn't know you two met at high school! That she only found out she was sick in May? (Love the bit about Jeopardy)

It's a beautiful, stunning piece of writing about an extraordinary woman. Who loved you so much.



R to @AliceEvansGruff: I cannot even imagine how fast that has all gone for you both. For you all.

That you had each other for the time you did is amazing. That you were robbed of time while horrible people still walk around is just not fair.

Sending all my love. ❤️❤️❤️❤️😰



R to @shadereyes: It's actually a really good time to do it, in a recession. Because the alternative would be trying to start a career and it's the hardest time ever to try to do that.

Just thought my two cents might help.

Carpe Diem and good luck!



R to @rachelxcode: Everything! Literally everything I have. Are you interesting in something in particular?



R to @sexandtheswiss: I know!

When I was pregnant with Elsie we had a really bad year. We were trying to think of ways to survive so I sold 3 boxes of designer clothes that I was saving for the girls.

Proper designers - Chanel, Prada etc.
I made $900!

Not quite what I was imagining.. 😂



R to @IrishLaddy7700: I have a GFM. I'm not sure people know about it though. I should put it on my Instagram.