
  • Thread starter @AliceEvansGruff
  • Start date


R to @misterjr24: I knew there was a reason I couldn't get out of bed and then my car wouldn't start AND the knob on my oven came right off in my hand and it's impossible to put back without an expert because it has to start the gas thingy too.

(Welp you should like this one. Muah!)



R to @TonyEva92385840: Tone- Calm the tone just slightly or Elon will have your balls for dessert.

Use spaces. Or replacement letters

Jorge is one of the Twattlers. I can only remember Welp cos it's such a ridiculous name but isn't there one name Hiraeth too? Yeah it's one of the screenshotters



R to @TonyEva92385840: I know. I reckon we should keep it to ourselves that we used to have baths together as babies. Shhhh!



R to @cookieAngel420: Me too! Started happening late 40s

It's not just you honey!!! And it does seem to be getting a little better with me!

Thank you for the kind words. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



R to @FranPotter14: Aaahh! Now I have that same image!!!!😂

Oh they do have a thing about me. They also think that my ex likes them. That's the funny bit😂😂😂😂



R to @EricBreitigam: True, mind you 3 months severance; and on the other side looking at a very little rest on a very big boat with lots of ice-bergs

Wait, was it 5pm EST today or PST?

It has to be PST right?



R to @cookieAngel420: You're so sweet. I am trying to ask as little as possible. Three friends are seeing me over the next two weeks and by then we might know something.

I SO appreciate the offer though! ❤️🙏



R to @gc0123456: Honestly before the pandemic it was nearly once a year.

But I haven't been back since. We're missing it! *Well, I am. The girls think they're British but they've only been a few times and don't remember much!



R to @mmpadellan: I do love him.
But he is also my Congressman so I would also be a bit sad so see him leave this little enclave...

I think he's the best person for the job though. He or Katie Porter.



R to @misterjr24: Don't worry - I am back in!!!!

AND... another Mom has kindly offered to take my youngest to her park visit - so I get to STAY in bed!!

No idea what to do with myself now!