I still personally think only a few copies of a book were ever printed. I don’t think anyone said they had it in the ill-fated Tittle, and if they did it would only have been one or two. But maybe that’s all the members there were?! The handful of people on BB instagram was almost worse than none. If people who had been cherubs had got a copy experience says they would have been tagging BB all over the place, probably organising book clubs and flooding instagram with photos to prove everyone wrong. They paid £25 for this thing after all. But there were a dozen mentions at best, and not all of those positive until someone put the frighteners on those women and they quickly started saying they’d spoken to Lisa and everything was great. What caused the change of heart? I’d love someone to do a study on the remaining cherubs to see how many of them are real. And I’d love to know how many were ever real. We know people were removed on mass, but not why. Lisa removed people who were obviously real, and was this to leave the core group of paid for followers? I know someone will be able to get in and see what was going on if this ever ended up investigated. The same as removing things from Google. There’s software lawyers use that is like a Time Machine, so nothing is gone forever.That was a bleeping shock when that happened, actually confirmed everything they had been saying was a complete lie, were it was going, we will never find out now, if it was a scam why did she delay the apparent fake book and churn one out herself, !! Scared it had gotten out of hand and she was going to get done for fraud?? But if the book wasnt going to appear anyway that still would of been the case, unless it was to do with the barn sale and the 700k, and the reports to companies house about not declaring his death, over assets, tax fraud, put a spanner in the works, who knows it's all speculation, it ALL happened, it's all there in black and white, it all took place, no doubt about it, the proof is there, putting it all together so it makes sense, is the speculation!!