Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Alex you're a wrongun, you've always been a wrongun only difference is people are now seeing you for what you are you've literally sat there using some lame excuse about being scared that someone will end up ending their life. So you decide to jump in flangies box? The one that's affected so many peoples mental health. What a sad excuse of a man you are. Own your s instead of using sty excuses.
And Kat you can shut the do up trying to insinuate because Alex is a man he didnt think things through properly. The only thing Alex is known for is thinking with his dick. you've got no room to talk after what you've done wernt you part of plm Kat? Hush your scummy gums no one can take anything you say seriously. You all deserve each other you bunch of leaches.
Mar 8, 2024
Alex you're a wrongun, you've always been a wrongun only difference is people are now seeing you for what you are you've literally sat there using some lame excuse about being scared that someone will end up ending their life. So you decide to jump in flangies box? The one that's affected so many peoples mental health. What a sad excuse of a man you are. Own your s instead of using sty excuses.
And Kat you can shut the do up trying to insinuate because Alex is a man he didnt think things through properly. The only thing Alex is known for is thinking with his dick. you've got no room to talk after what you've done wernt you part of plm Kat? Hush your scummy gums no one can take anything you say seriously. You all deserve each other you bunch of leaches.
💯 this!
I’ve unfollowed him now he’s actually a t
He only ever regained a platform off the back of angie he was aggressive and disgusting in angies. People flock to the hate train and he started another.
Cam 2 is not content cam 2 is attention seeking to bring views and money hes gone for boards left right n centre since this. Him and Alex are manipulaters
Alex, mt and angie have gained and taken thousands of pounds off the back of hate imagine how their gifters let alone friends feel!
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