Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 2, 2024
Geee you miss a day and you miss 100 story lines.

So as I can’t input on the drama I will input by giving opinions on the characters

Cockerel- desperate hag
Angie - biggest lying t known to man
Pat - can’t stand her voice, she bores me to do. Why is she held in such power over others?!?!
Mabel - very loud but the most honest and sticks with what’s right is right
Alex - used to like him, now he is a creep
Zia - Lisa Simpson go suck cock
Lynz - bringing Angie’s platform day by day!

Now to tomorrow to keep on top of the stories!
Night x
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Snel wasnt a fan 😭 i promise its not a mental health knock but the chair will forever be funny as do its light hearted banter
Geee you miss a day and you miss 100 story lines.

So as I can’t input on the drama I will input by giving opinions on the characters

Angie - biggest lying t known to man
Pat - can’t stand her voice, she bores me to do. Why is she held in such power over others?!?!
Mabel - very loud but the most honest and sticks with what’s right is right
Alex - used to like him, now he is a creep
Zia - Lisa Simpson go suck cock
Lynz - bringing Angie’s platform day by day!

Now to tomorrow to keep on top of the stories!
Night x
Some people replied to me just a few pages back with updates i missed a whole day to


I was thinking as I saw her sending some of her millions to DG, I’ve not seen her mention comment cafe since she told us to shove all her bathrooms up our arse. Do you think she realized what a t she sounded like?

Also does anyone know what 30,000 coins would cost you? I saw 3 battles and in total I think she gave that much I’m curious is that a lot when you purchase them
Depending how you recharge its approx £320 but if they're using tiktok app you can add at least another £65.
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