Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 15, 2024
I hear you but personal responsibility is also a thing, its such a fine line between having open conversations and hurting the most vunerable tho
I am in agreement with this, I do think we are all responsible for our own triggers and mental health, and personally I do not find it acceptable to always blame someone for their mental health/actions but I do believe someone can impact/worsen your mental health through situations like bullying etc.
Nov 10, 2023
Tbh, some people remain in a live because they are generally concerned and probably wouldn't relax not knowing if they are okay, and will stay regardless of whether it's triggering just to make sure the person is okay. It's called being a human being who cares.
Yeah. I was watching someone talk about it the other day and they said as someone who has SH before it was a trigger but they were also concerned. So they almost felt kind of stuck in a way.


This comment's ruined me 😭


Mar 5, 2024
I get people say to scroll out of a live if your triggered. But people can react differently. If a live becomes triggering to them, to some it’s almost like they can’t stop watching. It’s a response to what’s happening.
It's the 'creators' get out of jail card. Saying that and "twigger warnin". It's utter fing horseshit, people who get triggered get triggered so quickly It's to fing late. I hate the false concern and its all because they use their platforms for trauma dumping entertainment. It invites damaged people in. Its not a safe space, no space is safe for these people. Stop hosting trauma as entertainment and if someone is going to get triggered, that's their problem, they should stay away from tik tok. They avoid supermarkets at busy times, they can avoid opening the app.

Essay done!
I knew from the get go flangie was never gonna be mentioned. Another hall pass for the s she's said and done.
I fully believe miss red is scared to go up against Angie and EQ. She tries to keep her biggest haters on side because she’s not that great at arguing her case and handling all the hate that comes over from their platforms.
Feb 29, 2024
I'm not watching miss red, I'm all for the drama between unhinged and @Grimsby gobbler what the hell is going on and how did it start coz i had unhinged on ignore 👀👀👀
do knows they got sty because I said I didn’t like bazza or millsy and apparently that means I have a personal vendetta against Bazza 🤣🤣🤣 you couldn’t make it up honestly! But I am a cringy edge lord mafia boss 🤪
Mar 15, 2024
There was absolutely no excuse for not covering Angie and Ricksta today. There excuse for not covering Angies SH was because they didn't believe in kicking someone while they were down. That wasn't what happened last weekend. Angie simply got drunk and mocked being kidnapped and tortured, mocked racism and abortion and even the next day repeatedly said she isn't sorry, and she doesn't think she's done wrong & ricksta who was stone cold sober mocked SA which I think was absolutely disgusting as SA with men is already a very difficult subject. What ricksta did could prevent men from coming forward after being SA'd because its seen as a joke or a mockery, and also it mocked those people that are wrongly accused of SA also, that ruins people lifes. I think the fact it wasn't discussed is fing disgusting, and it's just proven that it isn't the FYP news show, it is simply whoever Miss Red doesn't like, is discussed. Very Biased.


Mar 1, 2024
It's the 'creators' get out of jail card. Saying that and "twigger warnin". It's utter fing horseshit, people who get triggered get triggered so quickly It's to fing late. I hate the false concern and its all because they use their platforms for trauma dumping entertainment. It invites damaged people in. Its not a safe space, no space is safe for these people. Stop hosting trauma as entertainment and if someone is going to get triggered, that's their problem, they should stay away from tik tok. They avoid supermarkets at busy times, they can avoid opening the app.

Essay done!
None of this s on TIKTOKS triggers me !?!?!😳Am I abnormal or normal I couldn't give two ss about all the trauma dumps
Feb 28, 2024
Is there 24 hours where “mental health” isn’t mentioned? Also sorry to be a pedant but they all say “I’ve got mental health”. No you have mental health ISSUES.
When one is in poor physical health “I’ve got health” wouldn’t make sense. “ I have health issues” is what people say.

Everyone HAS mental health, yours is either poor or good. Anyone else find that infuriating?
Mar 15, 2024
Yeah. I was watching someone talk about it the other day and they said as someone who has SH before it was a trigger but they were also concerned. So they almost felt kind of stuck in a way.
Exactly, it's literally such a human thing to want to stay there and make sure someone is okay, even if it's personal and triggering to you...


New member
Mar 25, 2024
Basically all these pedo hunters have been hanging about with pedos, employing wronguns, taking bribes like tam did.

At this point Irish Tony is a better hunter than they ever were. To sum it up 😭
Lol but tam didn't take bribes tho.. so why keep lying about the bribe when you all have seen and heard evidence that it never happened.. actually wot happened was is Kents used me being sarcastic as a 'confession' 🤣 sad it really is.. its funny how that is all you have since 2018 which pretty much proves noone took bribes...
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