Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 15, 2024
Red literally just contradicted herself, she is biased and she does choose what not to cover, and has just said if my 'friends' have done wrong, I'll dicuss it off the app, even if it's on the FYP because she doesn't believe in doing it in front of 1000s of people? - but because you don't class Talia, Elphie and others in your inner circle it's then acceptable to discuss it infront off 1000s? Make that make sense. No, if you are taking on covering FYP news, then you should be covering EVERYTHING on the FYP regardless whether they are friend or not 💁‍♀️

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
I agree with you but what about the person that’s being spoken about? I know if I was being spoken about infront of 5k people I would die! I wouldn’t be able to stop watching, for the simple fact people throw the craziest accusations around on this app! I mean look at the stuff eq and gemzino have said on the app! s on this app really does affect peoples real lives, and then these ‘creators’ turn their lives off without a thought for what a person is going through! Talia is right in saying it will end up like Jeremy kyle! Except I don’t think Red would address it and just continue on her show just like the rest do! People killing themselves on the app still doesn’t stop any of them either! It’s sick!
The issue for me is that some people get a pass for what they say/do and others don't. It's BIAS , if you want to hold Elphaba to account , hold EQ to account with as much enthusiasm , Red harps on about talking about FYP but won't cover stuff unless it shines her in a bright light.
We all have our own opinions on certain situations , but when you're firing up lives because of things you need to be impartial and that's something Red will never be.
Feb 29, 2024
do knows they got sty because I said I didn’t like bazza or millsy and apparently that means I have a personal vendetta against Bazza 🤣🤣🤣 you couldn’t make it up honestly! But I am a cringy edge lord mafia boss 🤪
Sorry, if I had known how well respected you were on here I wouldn’t have called you out on being a super defensive little cringe lord. Stay affected though hunny bun x
Feb 29, 2024
It's the 'creators' get out of jail card. Saying that and "twigger warnin". It's utter fing horseshit, people who get triggered get triggered so quickly It's to fing late. I hate the false concern and its all because they use their platforms for trauma dumping entertainment. It invites damaged people in. Its not a safe space, no space is safe for these people. Stop hosting trauma as entertainment and if someone is going to get triggered, that's their problem, they should stay away from tik tok. They avoid supermarkets at busy times, they can avoid opening the app.

Essay done!
Tik Tok is actually fed I’m fuming!
Feb 29, 2024
Waffle waffle
I will say that Alex westgarth did recently admit that those tapes were edited to make Tam look like she had taken a bribe. I watched that live and it was wild. Tam was so emotional to finally have her name cleared of it. Need to stay away from Johnny and that lot though, may have wanted something from him but you can’t trust any of them lot, it’s just not worth the risk or even associating with them
He admitted they were edited as in cut down tam will twist everything and anything, she's a wrongun and a liar, everything about her she says was edited. She has done awful things from chatting to Johnny to putting a pic of a deceased kids. Bribing pedos to even accussing an innocent whilst streaming him to 1000s and still insists she wasn't wrong
Mar 15, 2024
I will say that Alex westgarth did recently admit that those tapes were edited to make Tam look like she had taken a bribe. I watched that live and it was wild. Tam was so emotional to finally have her name cleared of it. Need to stay away from Johnny and that lot though, may have wanted something from him but you can’t trust any of them lot, it’s just not worth the risk or even associating with them
That's not even my issue, she came on in the comments the other day saying I have the police coming as my children were threatened and their school was found out... okay well if you want to protect your children and prevent that, then come away from the app and stop jumping into boxes in multiple different arguments. If that was me, I would instantly take myself away from the platform that is putting them at risk 💁‍♀️ yet the messages with Johnny did prove, that she will work with someone as sick him, to get her revenge on Demi... how is that protecting them? I certainly don't take back anything I've said regarding her, and still stand by it.
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Feb 24, 2024
Lol but tam didn't take bribes tho.. so why keep lying about the bribe when you all have seen and heard evidence that it never happened.. actually wot happened was is Kents used me being sarcastic as a 'confession' 🤣 sad it really is.. its funny how that is all you have since 2018 which pretty much proves noone took bribes...
Why are you making yourself the topic of conversation again? We pretty moved on from this until Alex started piping up yesterday :rolleyes:
Mar 2, 2024
Zia's Basement
Lol but tam didn't take bribes tho.. so why keep lying about the bribe when you all have seen and heard evidence that it never happened.. actually wot happened was is Kents used me being sarcastic as a 'confession' 🤣 sad it really is.. its funny how that is all you have since 2018 which pretty much proves noone took bribes...
Tam do off you nonce supporter
Nov 10, 2023
That's not even my issue, she came on in the comments the other day saying I have the police coming as my children were threatened and their school was found out... okay well if you want to protect your children and prevent that, then come away from the app and stop jumping into boxes in multiple different arguments. If that was me, I would instantly take myself away from the platform that is putting them at risk 💁‍♀️ yet the messages with Johnny did prove, that she will work with someone as sick him, to get her revenge on Demi... how is that protecting them? Anyway, thats the last comment ima make regarding her, I certainly don't take back anything I've said regarding her, and still stand by it.
This. She has multiple plm members on WhatsApp etc and has spoke to them multiple times. They’ve been in her lives, in her boxes. If you want to protect your family stop the interaction with these kind of people and come off the app.
Feb 29, 2024
Waffle waffle
Lol but tam didn't take bribes tho.. so why keep lying about the bribe when you all have seen and heard evidence that it never happened.. actually wot happened was is Kents used me being sarcastic as a 'confession' 🤣 sad it really is.. its funny how that is all you have since 2018 which pretty much proves noone took bribes...
We don't want wronguns here do off rhino
Feb 29, 2024
There was absolutely no excuse for not covering Angie and Ricksta today. There excuse for not covering Angies SH was because they didn't believe in kicking someone while they were down. That wasn't what happened last weekend. Angie simply got drunk and mocked being kidnapped and tortured, mocked racism and abortion and even the next day repeatedly said she isn't sorry, and she doesn't think she's done wrong & ricksta who was stone cold sober mocked SA which I think was absolutely disgusting as SA with men is already a very difficult subject. What ricksta did could prevent men from coming forward after being SA'd because its seen as a joke or a mockery, and also it mocked those people that are wrongly accused of SA also, that ruins people lifes. I think the fact it wasn't discussed is fing disgusting, and it's just proven that it isn't the FYP news show, it is simply whoever Miss Red doesn't like, is discussed. Very Biased.
She said in the live that she got a message from a person that said they were in a bad place so she didn’t do a live on them…. She’s talking about Angie 🤣
Mar 15, 2024
Why are you making yourself the topic of conversation again? We pretty moved on from this until Alex started piping up yesterday :rolleyes:
I still wanna move on regardless of alex questioning me, well Tam questioning me as she was sending things to Alex to ask me, I said what I said and I stand by it and I do not take it back, but its not something I want to keep discussing or seeing brought up constantly by people that come in trying to paint Tam in a good light, like that's great, she's your friend so you can have a good opinion on her, but me? Well she's not my friend, she's not someone I'd ever associate with, I have no loyalties to Tam, and I give my opinion on whatever Tam herself, from her mouth puts out there online 💁‍♀️ & I make a point in not discussing the bribes etc, and focusing on what I have seen personally from Tam herself.
Feb 29, 2024
Is there 24 hours where “mental health” isn’t mentioned? Also sorry to be a pedant but they all say “I’ve got mental health”. No you have mental health ISSUES.
When one is in poor physical health “I’ve got health” wouldn’t make sense. “ I have health issues” is what people say.

Everyone HAS mental health, yours is either poor or good. Anyone else find that infuriating?
Finally someone said it haha I was gonna rant about it the other day but didn’t wanna come across as a t 🤣 it gives me the ick so bad! Mental health is such a broad spectrum too! Could be anything from depression to schizophrenia!
Mar 15, 2024
This. She has multiple plm members on WhatsApp etc and has spoke to them multiple times. They’ve been in her lives, in her boxes. If you want to protect your family stop the interaction with these kind of people and come off the app.
100% and I don't know whether this new account is tam herself, or someone coming in to defend Tam, but they really havent done Tam any favours, as it again brings her up to be discussed in whatever light people personally see her in, so as a friend it's probably best not to put Tam up as a target to be discussed where there are clearly some very strong opinions on her.
Nov 10, 2023
100% and I don't know whether this new account is tam herself, or someone coming in to defend Tam, but they really havent done Tam any favours, as it again brings her up to be discussed in whatever light people personally see her in, so as a friend it's probably best not to put Tam up as a target to be discussed where there are clearly some very strong opinions on her.
It’s Tam, she’s been commenting on her thread as well 🤣.
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