Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 15, 2024
Ange's story about the Paramedic R*pe baffles me...she didn't report him because it could cost him his career??? Sooooo, she let a Man who works in a position of trust 'get away' with it, does she ever think he could have gone on to assault other women? She honestly boggles my wee brain...
I always think these stories from angie, are the absolute worst the way she's says them, I do understand that not everyone reports abuse by someone that is in a powerful position/protected position I.e paramedic, doctors, teachers etc out of fear, they will be protected, not believed, ridiculed, so I do understand why some woman don't report & the guilt of knowing it could happen to someone else never leaves you, but it doesn't invalidate what that survivor went through themselves, but so many victims don't report for so many reasons & that should be respected, but Angie always says it in such an invalidating way to other survivors, that just makes a mockery out of something so serious.


Feb 13, 2024
Ange's story about the Paramedic R*pe baffles me...she didn't report him because it could cost him his career??? Sooooo, she let a Man who works in a position of trust 'get away' with it, does she ever think he could have gone on to assault other women? She honestly boggles my wee brain...
Exactly! Also why when she tells the story is it relevant what his job was, he wasn’t at work when the supposed incident happened, someone asked if he was on duty the last time she spouted this story
Nov 10, 2023
Ange's story about the Paramedic R*pe baffles me...she didn't report him because it could cost him his career??? Sooooo, she let a Man who works in a position of trust 'get away' with it, does she ever think he could have gone on to assault other women? She honestly boggles my wee brain...
That’s what i thought. What about other potential victims. I don’t believe her story tbh. It sounds harsh but she lies so so much.
Mar 15, 2024
That’s what i thought. What about other potential victims. I don’t believe her story tbh. It sounds harsh but she lies so so much.
I don't believe a word that comes out of angies mouth, but not all victims report abuse, & they can't be blamed if further abuse was to happen, as coming forward about abuse is one of the hardest things your ever have to do, and alot woman can't do that for so many reasons. I think Angie is just full of absolute s when she talks about it, because her story changes EVERY single time!
Nov 10, 2023
Also, hasn't she said this person wasn't on shift? & then sometimes she has said he was on shift.. and other changes with her story, I honestly don't believe it for a second!
She trips herself up on her lies over and over again. And she seems to get away with it everytime
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Feb 29, 2024
I always think these stories from angie, are the absolute worst the way she's says them, I do understand that not everyone reports abuse by someone that is in a powerful position/protected position I.e paramedic, doctors, teachers etc out of fear, they will be protected, not believed, ridiculed, so I do understand why some woman don't report & the guilt of knowing it could happen to someone else never leaves you, but it doesn't invalidate what that survivor went through themselves, but so many victims don't report for so many reasons & that should be respected, but Angie always says it in such an invalidating way to other survivors, that just makes a mockery out of something so serious.
That's exactly what I meant 💯💯💯 She lacks any kind of empathy or understanding.
Feb 29, 2024
I always think these stories from angie, are the absolute worst the way she's says them, I do understand that not everyone reports abuse by someone that is in a powerful position/protected position I.e paramedic, doctors, teachers etc out of fear, they will be protected, not believed, ridiculed, so I do understand why some woman don't report & the guilt of knowing it could happen to someone else never leaves you, but it doesn't invalidate what that survivor went through themselves, but so many victims don't report for so many reasons & that should be respected, but Angie always says it in such an invalidating way to other survivors, that just makes a mockery out of something so serious.
Only about 2% get to court
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Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
The 'blue waffle' talk really annoys me, when people in the comments are saying its real, you can not catch an STI called blue waffle, it's literally a hoax made up STI, as a medical person hearing people say its a real disease, winds me right up 🫣😂😬
I used to be a sexual health nurse, nothing normally gets to me and even tho I know it’s not real, people talking about it and the way they talk about it makes me sick. It doesn’t help that it looks like pork that’s gone bad 🤢
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