Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Before I pop off... Zia, you were one of Angies biggest enablers. Get ya scabby nose out of pearls rectum. You fing bellend!
Typical Make America Great Again t
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
I want to go in this box so much but I am not purely because I can’t have this conversation while doing a voice disguise because it’ll be insincere.
Because you know, I think about things like this and how things could be taken offensively even if it’s micro.
This is why I haven’t gone in, I can’t do with accents on such a serious topic.


Exactly I’m so proud of our little community. Even when people in here haven’t been sure if somethings offensive they’ve asked and been educated 🤎
That's what I love about CC we base everything on facts and IF someone's unsure, or they post something that may not be 100% factual we correct it. 99% of the time it's been a genuine mistake or a case of miscommunication. The majority of us have morals and know right from wrong. 🤎
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