Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 8, 2024
It angers the do out of me, because I can see straight through her bullshit! But there are people in here that were genuinely distressed and upset yesterday seeing miss red in that state, thinking it could have been something they did, or said to set her off like that! When we all know it was her own actions! She also lied about being doxxed! She normally shows proof and evidence of everything, but doesn’t have the screenshot….even though the only two people that saw her get doxxed were Alex and j (and eq who was watching taurians live!) She knows what she is doing! She knows playing the suicide card would work to rake the gifts and sympathy in! I hope people in here and tiktok really do see this woman for what she is! She makes me sick!
Every single word of this 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Nov 10, 2023
Thank you, I needed this 💕
I’ve not been in here for long but it’s probably been the easiest place for me to fit in. I spend more time here than I do on TikTok. The family I never knew I needed.
We all stand for what’s right and the only reason they are trying to ruin us, is because they see that we are growing with like minded people everyday. They hate that we are anonymous, we could be anybody to them and they can not predict who or what situation we will highlight next. Causing them to go into damage control mode with a sloppy story
You know what I found most interesting in this comment, I never even knew you hadn’t been around here for long. I’d always assumed you just joined around the time when everyone else did, so I think that also speaks volumes too ❤️❤️


Feb 29, 2024
Morning feeerrrrssss how is everyone? So if Red isn't live is Alex running another screamy live to tell us how upset she is?
I'm hoping he's woke up and realised what a t he's been to all those ladies and tell Tony to go do himself but can't see that happening unfortunately!!! And Paula must also feel gutted as all the racist stuff have been brushed under the carpet what a kick in the teeth
Mar 2, 2024
Zia's Basement
It angers the do out of me, because I can see straight through her bullshit! But there are people in here that were genuinely distressed and upset yesterday seeing miss red in that state, thinking it could have been something they did, or said to set her off like that! When we all know it was her own actions! She also lied about being doxxed! She normally shows proof and evidence of everything, but doesn’t have the screenshot….even though the only two people that saw her get doxxed were Alex and j (and eq who was watching taurians live!) She knows what she is doing! She knows playing the suicide card would work to rake the gifts and sympathy in! I hope people in here and tiktok really do see this woman for what she is! She makes me sick!
Happy Married At First Sight GIF by Lifetime


Mar 24, 2024
united kingdom
So Alex will be holding another live for miss racist ok! Donna let’s tell some whole truths. YOU posted on your Facebook them years ago not your ex! YOU let your fingers type your thoughts! YOU are responsible for that alone! Now

YOU take accountability and tell the truth!

Sat faking tears to people who have chosen to gift you big money! Telling lies to them very people is shameful it’s convenient isn’t it how all of this was your EX 😂
Nov 10, 2023
I know we all dont know each and apart from the rotten eggs in here, its like having friends you didnt know you had @SourCherries always be proud of what you do no one can ever degrade you and @RedRedWine you know the truth and so do we keep those heads held high ❤ They want to ruin comment cafe because they dont like the truth they will clutch at anything they can so we disappear. We stand against these fs and we wont be silenced and manipulated by anyone 🤎🤎
Thank you 🥰. That’s what their agenda is. They’re going to try and blame comment cafe for everything. The false accusations are getting out of hand. The behaviour that these big TikTok creators keep enabling is ridiculous. I do think a lot of people have seen through it as well.
Apr 10, 2024
I love to make AI photos for our cafe crew 🩵 If you don’t have one yet from one of us and/or would like one, just reply with the following please!

Eye colour
Hair colour/length
Race (or light/tan etc)
Animal (pick whether you’re a chosen animal or a human with said animal)
Fav hobby (if not based on your username)
That’s truly so lovely of you 💜
Thank you so very much, I really appreciate it.

Eye colour: Brown (hazel)
Hair colour: Black (long)
Race: Pale af white (basically Casper the friendly ghost over here)
Gender: Female
Animal: Could I be a human with a black cat pretty please?
Fav hobby: Reading/Writing

Thank you again so very much! 💜
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