Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
Can you do me one please?
Light brown hair
Blue eyes
Cat mom 😂
Here you go 🐱

In a parallel universe, Angie just said that sharing people’s names and pictures online that are available is doxing. But last week she was saying that it wasn’t ?! BRAINWASHED
Surely she’s just thrown bestie Lynz under the bus with this statement being that that’s what Lynz did to Felicity’s child? Angies defence was that it isn’t doxxing if it’s public 😂
Oh ok, I guess they think Lottie is the only person to have seen the series and movie about nurse ratchet 🤣. But no I’ve never been in any plm servers .
I’m waiting for another season to drop. I’m desperate for more. I haven’t noticed you moving suspiciously here, so without evidence you’re Lottie, I won’t be assuming you are because a new account came in acting weird as do


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
I can’t believe Tony’s logic, so Claire and all are supposed to be wronguns (they are not) but if they apologise he won’t expose them. But if they are what he says they are then wouldn’t he want to expose them anyway !? It makes no sense, if exposing wronguns is what he’s about he’d do it regardless. Threatening women with his carrier bag of usbs, into apologising for something they didn’t do 😩😩(hope that made sense)
Tony’s been taking tips from Tam, the peado briber 😂😂😂
Really???? Just a big massive coincidence that the same name Mildred Ratched was used in the plm server and it was Lottie.....I think not
Why did you join comment cafe? You clearly have an agenda here. You seem awfully involved in all this stuff. Show some evidence to back up claims and we at comment cafe shall deliberate
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