Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Nov 10, 2023
How do you ghost a comment? Please
You can’t choose to ghost a comment.

Sometimes TikTok itself doesn’t allow comments to be posted. It usually happens if you type a word that’s in blocked word list. Then it’ll look like it posted to you, but nobody else has seen it.

You can test this by typing a comment, leaving the live and immediately rejoining. If your comment worked, you’ll see it when you reenter. If it ghosted, your comment will be gone. Angies main account has Alex name blocked for instance so if you type Alex and leave and rejoin, you won’t see your comment.

But sometimes TikTok ghosts random words. Sometimes random accounts have all their comments ghosted.

Sweet Angel

Mar 23, 2024
The fking moon
Just popped in and 388 people are watching Angie. And she’s fast asleep off screen. 🤣🤣 i don’t get why the fake Ricksta and Ali haven’t left yet.
Don’t blame her …. It’s wild in there


Iv also heard that sometimes mods and the host can see ghosted comments. Theres been many creators who have said that. Like they can see the comments that use their muted words.
You are correct. It's ghosted for viewers and it won't show in the chat. But mods and the host can see ALL comments.


Mar 1, 2024
I woke up sort of late BUT Miss Red our ‘Queen’ (fkin joke) was on at 10am as per the schedule and had Alex (the biggest melt on the planet) in as mod. I’m not sure if he was in the box at some point because I was in and out of that live I properly can not stand that scummy bish and her crusty mouth. She also had Miss J (who thinks she’s a bad b) in the box and they were talking about Miss J’s new ‘show’ also did the ‘Dino dance’. Gifts rolled in ofc.

Angie has been live being her usual messy and grape juice intoxicated self. She’s still flip flopping on whether or not Alex did actually doxx Miss Red’s address from what I can gather and pretending that she never did anything wrong a day in her life despite the fact that she’s foul. She’s also seemingly already off her saggy knockers on the grape juice I mean…when is she sober?

There was some stuff happening with a guy (I don’t know who it was) who was mentioned a few times around that got with his partner (‘allegedly’ we have to say according to Miss Red) when she was a minor and then later he and his partner both became addicts or they were already addicts?? Not sure what that was even about aside from the fact that a woman slapped the guy in the face and during Miss Red’s live a different guy in her box and someone else was talking about it. It’s been mentioned elsewhere too.

I’ve been floating around in Angie’s for a while now and it’s just…😡
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