Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 24, 2024
I just want to set this straight! I did post the article months ago! I didn’t intend to dox any address on there! Clearly I forgot to black out the location! I also have proof that if I did realise her address was there I would have blocked it out because one of the Facebook posts I posted had the area she lives in and I blacked that out! But so lovely to see some of you throwing me under the bus for doxxing donna! To the ones that have my back still thank you I really appreciate it! I’m still catching up because I need context but I’m not well too so I’m struggling! I’m also being accused of being in a troll group with a bunch of people I don’t even fing know! The only name I recognise is bazza and only really know him from seeing him in angies lives and around tiktok! I don’t have friends on the app I’m not part of any fing groups! I come on here to have my opinion and to call out the fs on the app! Donna isn’t fing special I have gone for angie too! This is all fing ridiculous and a massive deflection from Miss red being racist and lying but clearly somehow it’s all my fault!
I’ll never believe a thing dim Donna & her gang of cronies say without proof. They’ve proven themselves to be bare faced liars. They’ve tried to pin all this ‘trolling’ on you as a last ditch attempt to hold someone from CC accountable. I hope you’re ok and once everyone’s cooled down you and Doubtfire can sort it 🤎
Feb 28, 2024
I just want to set this straight! I did post the article months ago! I didn’t intend to dox any address on there! Clearly I forgot to black out the location! I also have proof that if I did realise her address was there I would have blocked it out because one of the Facebook posts I posted had the area she lives in and I blacked that out! But so lovely to see some of you throwing me under the bus for doxxing donna! To the ones that have my back still thank you I really appreciate it! I’m still catching up because I need context but I’m not well too so I’m struggling! I’m also being accused of being in a troll group with a bunch of people I don’t even fing know! The only name I recognise is bazza and only really know him from seeing him in angies lives and around tiktok! I don’t have friends on the app I’m not part of any fing groups! I come on here to have my opinion and to call out the fs on the app! Donna isn’t fing special I have gone for angie too! This is all fing ridiculous and a massive deflection from Miss red being racist and lying but clearly somehow it’s all my fault!
I’ve already said I’ll be the villain if they need one. They want to create a divide between everyone they tried to do that with Hannah and Taurian. And I don’t know anything about your history with Miss Red, she kept bringing it up… but with this whole thing this weekend you also didnt dox her just as none of us did. I saw the article it just looks like a public report so it’s not illegal.
Feb 28, 2024
She was once Angie’s biggest supporter and we all had to listen to her wise and not asked for opinions too on things.Any time Angie was in trouble they all used to call upon the wise one Nanny G. She used to gift her big, but her voice, accent and kissing arse mannerisms are the exact same as Cockerpoo.
Can u get a screen recording I wanna hear her


I am literally shaking reading the comments tearing me apart. I never wanted to go live, I waited hours for someone else to but no one did and I wanted to speak for us. I said I suffered badly with anxiety and SH, but it’s me you attack when I spoke for all of us?

I’m out.
I would never tell you what to do but if you leave- THEY WIN. They have tried to cause a divide and they are succeeding. Please don't go anywhere, it's clear to see people care about you in here. You did amazing given the pressure you were under. However you and your MH comes first, so if you need to take a little break we completely understand. But we will ALL be here when you return. I hope you're OK. 🤎
Mar 13, 2024
I am literally shaking reading the comments tearing me apart. I never wanted to go live, I waited hours for someone else to but no one did and I wanted to speak for us. I said I suffered badly with anxiety and SH, but it’s me you attack when I spoke for all of us?

I’m out.
Wtf ?? Who's attacking you ??
Ingore them. You dud a great job very fair & calm I didn't see any1 else offering.

I think sometimes things get heated . Emotions are high but don't let sny1 upset you or get you down.
Message me on tiktok if you ever need a chat. But please don't leave. 🙏
Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
I am literally shaking reading the comments tearing me apart. I never wanted to go live, I waited hours for someone else to but no one did and I wanted to speak for us. I said I suffered badly with anxiety and SH, but it’s me you attack when I spoke for all of us?

I’m out.
You did great, I'd never have stayed as calm as you did. X


Feb 13, 2024
Right I need to say something.

Remember when we outted Pineapple and I had a video on TikTok that had her address in, because it was on a publicly accessible news articles, everyone was fully behind me and the others who outted Pineapple. Nobody said a word to me about it, and whenever the evidence was shared by many people, they were championed for it by everyone about from the few Pineapple supporters.

There is no difference between this and what @Grimsby gobbler did in her video. None at all.

I can totally understand the concept that some people wouldn’t ever feel comfortable in doing this themselves, and that’s everyone’s right, but do we not pride ourselves on speaking out against the bullshit and hypocrisy?
If Pineapple call-out was ✅ but Miss Red call out was ❌ then we are being hypocrites, and I know that we ain’t about that hypocrite life guys come on. Don’t let the actual hypocrites make a divide happen here.
Jay Z Applause GIF
Mar 1, 2024
I am literally shaking reading the comments tearing me apart. I never wanted to go live, I waited hours for someone else to but no one did and I wanted to speak for us. I said I suffered badly with anxiety and SH, but it’s me you attack when I spoke for all of us?

I’m out.
I’m so sorry you’ve been attacked in here , Please don’t leave, You haven’t done anything wrong. You can’t help the fact Miss Red lied to you, You did great on the live ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
I’ve already said I’ll be the villain if they need one. They want to create a divide between everyone they tried to do that with Hannah and Taurian. And I don’t know anything about your history with Miss Red, she kept bringing it up… but with this whole thing this weekend you also didnt dox her just as none of us did. I saw the article it just looks like a public report so it’s not illegal.
Stop saying you'll be the villain please you had panic diarrhoea the other night 😭 I'm sorry but you did 😭😭

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Please please stop this between each other, this is what they want.
It makes me sad to see this, none of us are perfect and make mistakes, but one thing I found in here no matter what we stood up for each other right or wrong.
No one has doxed they have tried to play the game but unfortunately it hasn’t worked for them so they will try anything
I don’t know any off you, but I found somewhere I can chat without been judged ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 28, 2024
I also think because Mrs doubtfire has a soft spot for dread, she wasn't the right person to do it, I cant stand the racist scumbag so she would've got it with both barrels. I think Grimsby is feeling the way she is as Mrs doubtfire said to dread that grimsby had doxxed her and was in the wrong for doing so, which I feel is wrong, 1 the information is public and 2 its not her address, so she wasn't doxxed.
Ohhh I missed this bit. I need a screen record of the miss red section. I was too busy asking Alex a simple question in taurians live 😭
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Mar 8, 2024
I just want to set this straight! I did post the article months ago! I didn’t intend to dox any address on there! Clearly I forgot to black out the location! I also have proof that if I did realise her address was there I would have blocked it out because one of the Facebook posts I posted had the area she lives in and I blacked that out! But so lovely to see some of you throwing me under the bus for doxxing donna! To the ones that have my back still thank you I really appreciate it! I’m still catching up because I need context but I’m not well too so I’m struggling! I’m also being accused of being in a troll group with a bunch of people I don’t even fing know! The only name I recognise is bazza and only really know him from seeing him in angies lives and around tiktok! I don’t have friends on the app I’m not part of any fing groups! I come on here to have my opinion and to call out the fs on the app! Donna isn’t fing special I have gone for angie too! This is all fing ridiculous and a massive deflection from Miss red being racist and lying but clearly somehow it’s all my fault!
Sad Best Friends GIF by Lisa Vertudaches

Tomorrow is a new day, accidents happen nobody is perfect. We are a good bunch and we got you. I'd have been upset to and I think Mrs Doubtfire for her first live with over 1k people in was under pressure, and considering the crappy circumstances and topic of conversation, it was quite a lot to tackle. I hope you and @MrsDoubtfire will still remain friends.
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