Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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I have BPD diagnosed. Something it took quite a long time to get a diagnosis for and I don't relate to Angie at all. The way BPD is portrayed online absolutely terrifys me. I don't know if i maybe have more self awareness etc but i genuinely don't relate to any of these people acting like this. And my mental health is in the gutter. I just don't use it to manipulate and abuse people.
Mar 4, 2024
I can't stand angie but I actually think what is sad is the fact she thinks people care and support her when they don't. They use her addictions for there entertainment and it's actually sick
Exactly and she cannot see that her supposed friends are really her biggest trolls. We know lyndz has badly trolled someone before don't we lyndz

Drama Delight

Mar 9, 2024
In case you missed it


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Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
I can't stand angie but I actually think what is sad is the fact she thinks people care and support her when they don't. They use her addictions for there entertainment and it's actually sick
of course they do, the ones closest to her are the worst.
I’m fing glad I don’t like people, don’t have friends and don’t trust anyone cos I would hate to be treated like her

No More Guff

Feb 28, 2024
I have BPD diagnosed. Something it took quite a long time to get a diagnosis for and I don't relate to Angie at all. The way BPD is portrayed online absolutely terrifys me. I don't know if i maybe have more self awareness etc but i genuinely don't relate to any of these people acting like this. And my mental health is in the gutter. I just don't use it to manipulate and abuse people.
This! I have major MH issues and I absolutely do not use it as an excuse to be a vile person. Much the opposite in fact.
This! I have major MH issues and I absolutely do not use it as an excuse to be a vile person. Much the opposite in fact.
Same like if I was to get in that state which I do and I have the shame of even letting people know it's happened, or weaponising it is actually really hard to understand. A lot of what she's doing is for show.
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