Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 29, 2024
I don’t think chloe online bullied her by going in to her live as a dare. And I think the police probably said things to calm her down as nothing that was done last night or generally with regards to Angie is a crime. The only crime committed was potentially the man lying in hospital that said he would wring somomes throat
Oh yea s I forgot frosty said he was gonna wring mazzas neck!


Feb 28, 2024
I know this is just something and nothing but it’s weird lies like this that make her such a weirdo and nobody believes a word that she says …

Saying she ordered food like 2 hours ago and been checking since saying “where’s my order” and all that and then just admitted she’s just ordered it now? Just weird behaviour like wtf🤣🤣


So it seems like the initial dare wasn’t to do a specific thing, so could have either been kind or malicious.

So they went in the box and did the dare, but chose to act with kindness while in the box, instead of being cruel?

I’ve never been much of a fan of Mazza, but I’ve always thought Chloe had a level of respect because she’s never outwardly gone to cause trouble from what I’ve seen? So maybe she was actually being genuine?
The initial dare was to see if angie would let then in her box. Once they were in her box they both told her they were concerned about her and asked if she was OK. So they were drawing a line in the sand and moving on. Then lynz piped up telling angie they had only came in because they had been dared to and they were mocking her MH. Yes there was a dare but as soon as they got in the box they were genuinely concerned. I don't like mazza but I won't have people twisting the narrative.
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