Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Patty B

Feb 28, 2024
Walford London
Nov 10, 2023
The video on tunabox2024
Just watched the two videos on there.

I truly am an empathetic person. Sometimes to a fault. But think my empathy ends at Emz.

I’m not trauma dumping, but man I’ve been there. On my own in my bedroom. In places that nobody is ever going to see. Not on the middle of my forehead in front of 3000 people. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but this is another way for her to seek attention.

She quickly snapped out of her poor me, meek little girl ‘Alexa play stick season’ voice, when the emergency services arrived, didn’t she?

She definitely needs help. She’s fed in the head. But so are other people, and I can’t imagine how many people she may have triggered last night.

Essay over.
Mar 15, 2024
Just watched the two videos on there.

I truly am an empathetic person. Sometimes to a fault. But think my empathy ends at Emz.

I’m not trauma dumping, but man I’ve been there. On my own in my bedroom. In places that nobody is ever going to see. Not on the middle of my forehead in front of 3000 people. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but this is another way for her to seek attention.

She quickly snapped out of her poor me, meek little girl ‘Alexa play stick season’ voice, when the emergency services arrived, didn’t she?

She definitely needs help. She’s fed in the head. But so are other people, and I can’t imagine how many people she may have triggered last night.

Essay over.
That was my thing, naturally people are empathic so even if they were triggered they more than likely remained in the live to make sure emz was okay, so it's more than likely she triggered 100s last night! Tiktok, really aren't protecting their users as she didn't remain banned, too me what she did on live last night, should result in a permanent ban of all her accounts!


Dec 21, 2023
Alex westgarth admitted on live that he edited it and tam was innocent
No he didn't. I have the recording. He admitted the video was made smaller that was what he meant by edited however the full video is on YouTube. He admitted she didn't take the bribe only because it didn't get to that stage because she was caught by the balls. She INTENDED on taking that bribe and would have if the man she was trying to cheat on her partner with didn't record her.
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