Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Tbh what the do was that thing that EQ through out there about elphie and her mum? Like where did that even come from? Its a very weird thing to think of even if it is a joke 😂
I don't trust anything EQ comes out with people seem to forget the s she's come out with because it's an 'Act' there's always an ulterior motive when it comes to EQ. But I'm torn because Elpha is just as bad. They're all a bunch of leeches that feed off toxicity and thrive on it.
Feb 29, 2024
Jesus Christ, who is throwing accusations around ?? Actually you can stop acting like a fing hard t you fing cringelord. I don’t give a do about Bazza or any of the other pricks I’m here for a bit of banter and you wet yourself coz I made a comment. fing get a grip you Wally.
How did I wet myself because I said I didn’t like bazza or millsy so you accused me of having a personal vendetta against someone I don’t know personally 🤣 have a day off you senile t!
Mar 15, 2024
I don't trust anything EQ comes out with people seem to forget the s she's come out with because it's an 'Act' there's always an ulterior motive when it comes to EQ. But I'm torn because Elpha is just as bad. They're all a bunch of leeches that feed off toxicity and thrive on it.
Yeah, but even for her thats such a odd thing to think off.. like of all the things she could have clapped with at Elphie, and use incest? See miss red thinks it's elphie that used EQ, but I think it was equal, it using eachother for clout!
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