Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Nov 10, 2023
Jesus she gets everywhere doesn’t she. 🙈

Roxy Mitchell

Mar 5, 2024
Rhino will probably be charged. The media have published so much on hate crimes in recent years and police are under pressure and scrutinised if they don’t charge especially when there is evidence. I’m sure the coppers will be hunting for more evidence to secure a successful prosecution. By the sounds of it they are sick of her!
I saw somewhere, that a lady and her 7 year old autistic daughter walked out their door to the flat, with the mums friend. The little girl ran down the corridor and it scared a male neighbour who was walking out of his door also. The male jumped and called her a fing spastic. The only witness was the mums friend. Man was arrested, charged and in court, found guilty. Not sure what the outcome was as he had to return for sentencing.
But my point is they absolutely do push for people to be prosecuted for hate crimes these days
Feb 28, 2024
What have I missed now?
she will live. in the nicest possible way ...i dont think most people here are bothered either way... this is silly tiktok arguments shouldnt really spill into here i thought we were the ones that could see through all that nonsense?
like i genuinely didnt even know who she was until her and mabel spilled into here and only last week i realised they are 2 diff people lol. im sure shes a nice woman but asking if shes ok here etc wont help her if anything it makes it all seem more silly
Love, Big Chonky
Mar 13, 2024
she will live. in the nicest possible way ...i dont think most people here are bothered either way... this is silly tiktok arguments shouldnt really spill into here i thought we were the ones that could see through all that nonsense?
like i genuinely didnt even know who she was until her and mabel spilled into here and only last week i realised they are 2 diff people lol. im sure shes a nice woman but asking if shes ok here etc wont help her if anything it makes it all seem more silly
Love, Big Chonky
I get what your saying just the empath in me can't help it sometimes. But noted fir future comments 🤣
Mar 13, 2024
Jesus she gets everywhere doesn’t she. 🙈
But apparently .
I agree she can’t go round threatening people she’s already got a case against her it’s out of order

Totally agree her mouth is disgusting I don't understand why everyone is so scared of her..

What's she gonna do drive her car. Go live have a rage down the phone & make out she's offered you out & you didn't turn up (like she did to orish kelly).
Nahh she's just an Internet bully clear & simple !!!
I'm a big believer in karma but she's well overdue hers.
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