Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 28, 2024
Looking back on my comments this evening and 90% were about stuff going on until my post JOKING about my content, because people on here take the piss, so I am playing along. Seriously love, I'm a stranger on the Internet, don't you worry about me, you do you boo
You’ve missed my point entirely. No one else knows who people are when they mention themselves. I don’t know why you wouldn’t take the advice suggested initially by not me and agreed by several others maybe you do like the attention.


Feb 28, 2024
Last I saw of her she made Pat cry because Pat was her friend and Pat found out that she was fingering Angie and sticking anxiety bracelets round her tits. This was back when she posted the video about Js child and the autism thing. She had a lot of hate for going for a kid like that. Guess she’s decided to try reinvent herself but under the same name, on here. I’m sure she just has an account called kels anxiety jewellery on TikTok, dunno. You can see how funny she is from her responses, so she was too boring for me to follow
Grim reaper Pat?
Feb 28, 2024
I think they just mean by you not being anonymous it's sharing a lot of personal info that people could probably use against you. Nobody's gonna find me because I said I went to France for a few days or had a kebab for dinner. More generalised chat less personal chat?
Exactly. And I don’t know who you are so if you commented about medication autism mental health things it doesn’t have that extra layer of personal responsibility one feels when you know of that person. People could use it against her but also it creates a weird dynamic when every time she returns she makes statements about herself. The way she’s taken offence sort of proves to me I was spot on with my agreement with GG. I give up tho lol
Mar 16, 2024
I think they just mean by you not being anonymous it's sharing a lot of personal info that people could probably use against you. Nobody's gonna find me because I said I went to France for a few days or had a kebab for dinner. More generalised chat less personal chat?
Literally not said anything personal made a joke about having the ss and said my dog knocked over my coffee like I get the point but seriously, no one here knows my life story and I have only ever responded to questions because someone's name was brought up and I didn't feel that was fair so wanted to put it straight.
Mar 16, 2024
Exactly. And I don’t know who you are so if you commented about medication autism mental health things it doesn’t have that extra layer of personal responsibility one feels when you know of that person. People could use it against her but also it creates a weird dynamic when every time she returns she makes statements about herself. The way she’s taken offence sort of proves to me I was spot on with my agreement with GG. I give up tho lol
GGs comment wasn't about me being me though, it was about looking out for me, yours feels like a bit of an attack to be honest and tbf, you're the only one who has ever commented everyone else either doesn't care or has me on.ignore!
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
Exactly. And I don’t know who you are so if you commented about medication autism mental health things it doesn’t have that extra layer of personal responsibility one feels when you know of that person. People could use it against her but also it creates a weird dynamic when every time she returns she makes statements about herself. The way she’s taken offence sort of proves to me I was spot on with my agreement with GG. I give up tho lol
Yeah I get it cause I genuinely felt like we had to babysit Mabel and I felt bad for her getting s for outing stuff just because she read it on here. Turns out she was a t anyways and I shouldn't have been nice to her 😂


Last I saw of her she made Pat cry because Pat was her friend and Pat found out that she was fingering Angie and sticking anxiety bracelets round her tits. This was back when she posted the video about Js child and the autism thing. She had a lot of hate for going for a kid like that. Guess she’s decided to try reinvent herself but under the same name, on here. I’m sure she just has an account called kels anxiety jewellery on TikTok, dunno. You can see how funny she is from her responses, so she was too boring for me to follow
Strange how she randomly comes on here after J had a meltdown tonight.
Feb 28, 2024
Literally not said anything personal made a joke about having the ss and said my dog knocked over my coffee like I get the point but seriously, no one here knows my life story and I have only ever responded to questions because someone's name was brought up and I didn't feel that was fair so wanted to put it straight.
You’ve got zero self awareness mate. Someone said make an anonymous account on here and you’re refusing even though you don’t want negative online attention which apparently you’ve had repeatedly in the past. Sure?!
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