Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
See the thing is I also hate shep, can’t stand her. I think she’s a terrible human being. The difference is, I don’t hate her because she’s black, so if people are directing hate towards her because she’s black then I can overlook my distaste for her, to stand by her in the sense of pearls racism, because it has no correlation with her being a t. I don’t think that made sense but it does to me
Oh I can’t stand her, outted her a few times, her and that Chelsea finding forever homes t but I would never be racist. Its like losing an argument with someone and going after their looks

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Right who in the right mind would buy food from her she sits on the counters rants on live while serving people and the food doesn’t look that good tbh
Mar 5, 2024
The M20
Yeah he’s defending Pearl cause he hates Laura (shep) so I guess he’s another one for the list
I used to watch him a fair bit, he’s deffo one for the list.

Him and Laura had a three week relationship last summer which ended because he was a manchild and couldn’t book himself a taxi - she aired him for using her toothbrush, leaving skidmarks in her bed and leaving piss dribbles in the bathroom.

He went onto say he’d never have sex with a Jamaican woman because he wouldn’t want to catch any diseases.

He’s vile.
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