Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 2, 2024
Nice to know you werenโ€™t thinking about my mental health! You didnโ€™t even wait to ask my side of anything before firing up a live!! But so happy for you that you cleared your name!!!
I'm not taking sides here , so please don't feel I am , but did you not hear her defend you? She was defending you , she just said it was something she wouldn't have done , she never once chucked you under the bus x
Nice to know you werenโ€™t thinking about my mental health! You didnโ€™t even wait to ask my side of anything before firing up a live!! But so happy for you that you cleared your name!!!
I know youโ€™re hurt. I really donโ€™t like how miss red is making out youโ€™ve done something horrific when we know you havenโ€™t, but neither you or Doubtfire have done wrong. Mrs D really did say nice things about you. Reach out to any of us if youโ€™re struggling. Even me if you want. I know Iโ€™m a big f but I do care ๐ŸคŽ๐ŸคŽ
Apr 10, 2024
Itโ€™s fully gone horrid in Taurianโ€™s with DG and Hardyโ€™s fully atrocious! The video was shown that was posted on Hardyโ€™s TT with the filter. He popped in to basically justify/defend/make excuses and after he left he went on a rant about how his grandfather is supposedly of โ€˜darkerโ€™ complexion than Laura just wtf.

DG threatened to do them for defamation and slander because of them saying/implying heโ€™s a racist.

Just ๐Ÿ˜ what even?

Donโ€™t be racist and you wonโ€™t be an issue.
Donโ€™t be a crap person and you wonโ€™t be a an issue.
Fked people are dumb af!
Nice to know you werenโ€™t thinking about my mental health! You didnโ€™t even wait to ask my side of anything before firing up a live!! But so happy for you that you cleared your name!!!
Grimsby we tried to go live as soon as possible to explain because Alex was going in lives and telling people to block us so they wouldn't see it. We wanted people to know we weren't behind any doxing and what the post actually was. There wasn't suposed to be any ill will but Alex was still threating to doxx people for here and scaring people. For some reason I thought you'd maybe be at work and usually don't come around till later so I didn't think we could wait. Especially since Alex and co were trying to force other creators to block us. We arent against you.

I'm grand

Mar 7, 2024
*Long Ramble*
I haven't been on much the last few days, just dipping in and out, so I'm a bit lost as to what's happened/ happening...
But I'm guessing cc is being blamed for the imaginary doxing? Mrs D went in to defend cc. Because gg posted something yonks ago that contained her address that was already in the public domain, they attacked Mrs G?
How here's my take. I'm new enough here so don't know who's who and quite frankly don't give a toss! When I discovered this place it was refreshing to: 1. See people being freely able to say what they think without being deleted, blocked, bullied and whatnot.
2. It was nice to see a normal community of people just get along. No agenda or bullshit that you see on tictok. was fing brilliant to see everyone love the car crash that happens daily on the s show that is TT.
The "creators" (that makes me lol as they only create dramarama!) fing hate this page as we see through their bullshit! It drives them insane!! They're planning behind the scenes to divide us all, make us doubt each other and hopefully cancel us!
Do NOT give into This!
They can kiss my fat hole if they think I'm gonna fall out with any of ye! That's the s they do. Cause drama and then fall out with each other! We are nothing like those pack of sheads! DO NOT LET THEM WIN!!
I hope all who's upset over all of this is ok x โค๏ธโค๏ธ
Mar 23, 2024
Something went on, I donโ€™t know exactly, i think argument with Laura over a filter.

Heโ€™s just said proudly โ€˜well my dads darker than Laura and you didnโ€™t even know my best mate is black jamaicanโ€™

And then he said he was picked on because he is white

And then he said โ€˜Alexa play bob marleyโ€™
I canโ€™t believe he said โ€œmy family is darker than their whole familyโ€ ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ
Feb 28, 2024
Anyone in just us Hardys?
Omg I canโ€™t.
Yes. Dg has said heโ€™s not going back live to talk about it as he knows he will say something racist. He knows his views are racist deep down, and so he canโ€™t trust himself in a discourse about race

Cliff notes is that it seems like DG and Darren Hardy went into Taurians and have been perceived as racist (shock horror).

Oh and Darren and his wife are alcoholics they drink every night and argue.
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