Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Mar 1, 2024
Coronation Street
Yea she was sent loads of grass samples too! They are stacked up in her room she has loads!
As for Pearl she said it on a video/live not sure but she was proper bragging about it she’s a sick woman 🤣🤣 angie is just as sick she probably keeps it under her pillow and sniffs it at night! 🤣

I’m ready for the downfall of them all it’s gonna be amazing! Not sure if there’s gonna be enough buses for them to throw each other under though 🤣🤣
I'm gonna need a 2nd, 3rd and maybe a 4th device to keep up with the mess that's going to happen! 🤣

Also we taking bets when and who cracks first? 🤣


Dec 21, 2023
Alex was a driving force when it came to posters on Elphaba, he was happy to be judge and jury then!
And he went in on paul breach for impregnating a 15 year old but it's OK for Tony to do? Hypocrite
Netflix Idiot GIF by Daybreak


Mar 7, 2024
I stand by any women who has suffered DV, fortunately it’s never happened to me personally but what did really get to me was Tony telling that child that her father was not her father. This happened to me 2 days after my mum died by the man who thought was my dad. I was 19 at the time and I can you it affected me terribly for years. It was only after having my son and seeing him grow up to be the spit of my dad and grandad that I knew that vile man had told me lies. So her playing that voice note really hit me. I feel so sorry for her but she’s growing up to be such a strong young lady so huge respect to her


Feb 29, 2024
Yea she was sent loads of grass samples too! They are stacked up in her room she has loads!
As for Pearl she said it on a video/live not sure but she was proper bragging about it she’s a sick woman 🤣🤣 angie is just as sick she probably keeps it under her pillow and sniffs it at night! 🤣

I’m ready for the downfall of them all it’s gonna be amazing! Not sure if there’s gonna be enough buses for them to throw each other under though 🤣🤣
It was decking samples and grass. I know who sent it and it was to prove a point about her lieing about having a rat sent to her. Funny how the samples were shown but the rat wasn’t!! Like Shelia said the cat brought the rat in! Angie tells a lot off lies
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