Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Feb 29, 2024
Just for receipts, this person is not part of comment cafe

EQs discord?
Mar 15, 2024
D Block
No worries sweetheart. I’ve seen this multiple times but every time you just can’t help but feel bad. Your feelings are valid too, even though everything she is doing we are just playing into it.
Someone who would hurt themselves just for tiktok drama, views, etc clearly has a problem. Don’t feel bad ❤️
💯 As I've said previously - attention seeking behaviour is still a sign that someone needs help, needs to feel validated or seen. It's frustrating to watch, but it doesn't mean there isn't an underlying issue at the root.


Feb 13, 2024
This guy is trashing his hotel room and taking all sorts
Dumb question ? Is he drinking cough medicine? I thought ours didn’t have the good stuff in?
This guy is trashing his hotel room and taking all sorts
Crypto often does mad s i first came across him last year he stole a fire extinguisher from a hotel he was staying in spraying it through peoples letterboxes round the streets off London, then the police were called as he sprayed it into the entrance off a hotel. Hes also flooded hotels.


Feb 28, 2024
Zias basement
I don’t have any for her. Don’t get me wrong, I wish her home safe and don’t wish her injury etc but I can’t keep watching someone stick their hand in the same fire and shout about it.

It’s mentally exhausting and incredibly triggering, to people who do legitimate self injury in private.

I’ve watched her ignore calls from the mental health team and turn away police and ambulance staff. A lot of the UK are waiting on psych appointments and resource wasting like this, is exactly what contributes to the delays.

I know this is harsh but it’s born from watching the same cycle, she persists in riding.
You’re completely right, and i feel the exact same, and self harm is no joke.
This is certainly not something I would have been doing as I have used it as a coping mechanism in the past, and I know how triggering it actually is.

When you have an addiction like that, it can urge you to do things, just the same as someone drinking can trigger an alcoholic.

If she cared enough for her supporters, she would hide it if she genuinely was doing things like that.
As much as what she is doing right now is disgusting, she clearly has some kind of issue. The lengths this woman goes to for a bit of clout is unreal, even triggering people just for the point of gifts, sympathy.

You can’t help someone that doesn’t want it, but I urge everyone to stop watching if it triggers you in the slightest!

As intriguing as it is your mental health matters most ❤️


Mar 1, 2024
EQ really does sound bitter. People need to remember what she's like though and take anything she says with a MASSIVE pinch of salt. She has no credibility what so ever!
Exactly it's a financial game to eq and she plays it well,I can see right through her.....
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