I'm a little shocked that it's taken something as big as this to bring Red down , but from reading the comments on her post it's clear why , many who go into her `show` suffer with MH and many will now be questioning if they've ever shared anything with her and in fact if it was kept confidential , even her top supporters. She tried too hard to be the next Jeremy Kyle. I'll be honest , I was blind to a lot of it until I started coming on here and having my eyes opened , but I question everything she says now and the way she manipulates , only a few weeks ago I was sat questioning myself because I couldn't bring myself to sit in a live with a woman breaking down in tears , but have now seen through it and know she's likely to try it again when she next goes live. From me and everyone else who's ever suffered with their mental health Red , go swivel on a cactus you two faced t!