Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

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Apr 29, 2024
Run? You run? Out in the real world? What's it like out there?
lazy cat GIF
Unfortunately, it’s sty out here😂 but I have to stay fit for my job otherwise I’d definitely class doing some light jogging on the Wii Fit still as exercise. We’ll excuse the fact im a greedy b who chose food over exercise today 😂
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
For about 5 mins, she's jet lagged and will do it tomorrow. Alex said we've to wait for miss red and I think that's i

If Red was delayed/jet lagged she would have put a notice out before 10am.

She saw everyone laughing at her and bottled it.

She can’t even be honest about that. 🤥
Jet lag from Spain? I doubt that but she’s so stupid I’d imagine her saying that
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
Thing is EQ is as vile as the rest, but as soon as it's turned on them they don't like it.

However what CLA has said in the last few weeks is disgusting and needs to be dealt with
It'll end up with CLA reporting Chelsey for things she's said and it'll just be a pointless back a forth for them to make up in a few weeks and make everyone look silly. I just hate Chelsey taking the moral high ground on anything, she's absolute scum and this 14 year old mod business being brushed under the carpet because she said it wasn't true when I fact it is true and even if it was dealt with years ago to most people it's new information.
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