Elon Musk



R to @stats_feed: Sea water contains enough of every element to support >10X current civilizational needs



R to @DavidSacks: Zerohedge can be jerks at times, but they did nothing warranting suspension



R to @stats_feed: Exactly. Money is actually a set of heterogeneous databases with vast amounts of legacy code still using COBOL on mainframes in batch mode.



R to @DavidSacks: The censorship tools were created to deal with scams & spam, but then were turned to political purposes.

Those who favor censorship should remember that it is only a matter of time before censorship turns on you.

There will always be some censorship, but less is better.



R to @appuntito160: People on the right should see more “left wing” stuff and people on the left should see more “right wing” stuff.

But you can just block it if you want to stay in an echo chamber.



R to @DJSnM: Center core moving too fast return. Falcon Heavy is a 3 (or 2.5) stage rocket, but full & rapid reusability on Earth demand a 2 stage rocket.

1st stage returns to launch site immediately via boostback & 2nd stage orbits until ground track passes back over launch site to return.