Elon Musk



R to @ganaha_masako: That is ironic indeed. Doubly so, given that Tesla Model Y is best-selling car in Switzerland! 🤣🤣



R to @realchrisrufo: Sensible thread.

We shouldn’t be obsessed with WEF/Davos, but they take themselves sooo seriously that making fun of them is awesome 😎



R to @Brookstone23: There are some really funny WEF parody accounts, although it’s legit hard to tell WEF truth from WEF parody sometimes!



R to @banthebbc: Well, your account handle is literally BanTheBBC haha!

But that’s actually the point I was making: state influence/affiliation with media is far more common than most people realize – just look at how much Twitter/FB/Google have been influenced!



R to @elonmusk: BBC is at least honest that they are the *British* Broadcasting Corporation, unlike many others …



R to @jacobin: This is a rare case where I agree with Jacobin.

Increasing quality of life for the aged is important, but increased lifespan, especially if cognitive impairment is not addressed, is not good for civilization.

We are already ruled by a gerontocracy!



Trashing accounts that you hate will cause our algorithm to show you more of those accounts, as it is keying off of your interactions.

Basically saying if you love trashing *that* account, then you will probably also love trashing *this* account. Not actually wrong lol.



R to @ScottAdamsSays: “Master the Future” doesn’t sound ominous at all … 🙄

How is WEF/Davos even a thing? Are they trying to be the boss of Earth!?



R to @JaneidyEve: The recommendation algorithm will get much better and it will be open source



R to @paulg: Looking at the comments, this social network might be trending positively towards positivity. We will try to make that more the case.



R to @ImMeme0: Is it even possible to parody their tweets? I’m just literally wondering right now if it’s even possible 🤔