Elon Musk



R to @disclosetv: WEF is increasingly becoming an unelected world government that the people never asked for and don’t want



R to @alx: Will be interesting to see how the Biden administration reacts to this.

They may try to weaponize Federal agencies against Twitter.



Why did American media go from questioning the State and “speaking truth to power” to doing their bidding?



R to @elonmusk: To be clear, I’m not someone who thinks lots of government agencies should be abolished (maybe a few), but we should always question our institutions, as this strengthens the bedrock of democracy.



R to @paulg: People can disguise their own morality, but not that of their friends. Birds of a feather …



R to @greg_price11: Edelman is a despicable human being – his job is literally being a professional liar!