Elon Musk



R to @krassenstein: How do we know that was actually his social media account?

Seems very odd that he would have a Russian social media account when he doesn’t speak Russian.



R to @WallStreetSilv: It won’t get easier to pay down the debt.

As debt rises for countries, interest payments consume a larger part of the budget, until there is little room for anything else.




RT by @elonmusk: Governments worldwide claim that "hate incidents" are rising, but they're not. Tolerance of racial, sexual, and religious minorities has never been higher. Elites are manufacturing a fake "hate" crisis as a pretext for mass spying, blacklists, and censorship.



R to @Austen: News orgs like to control the narrative & hate being corrected, but at least people know they can come to this platform for a more accurate understanding of the world



R to @historyinmemes: Highly recommend visiting. Ancient Rome was remarkably advanced in technology & colorful in decor.



R to @elonmusk: Remarkable how @nytimes, @latimes & @washingtonpost moved in lockstep, with @WSJ trailing by ~6 months



R to @gannonbreslin: Yeah.

Or that WhatsApp founders left Meta/Facebook in disgust, started #deletefacebook campaign & made major contributions to building Signal.

What they learned about Facebook & changes to WhatsApp obviously disturbed them greatly.