Elon Musk



R to @elonmusk: Consenting adults should do whatever makes them happy, provided it does not harm others, but a child is not capable of consent, which is why we have laws protecting minors.



U.S. Air Force A.I Tech Goes Rogue, Kills Operator

During simulation testing, an A.I-powered anti-air defense drone went rogue, resulting in it KILLING it’s own operators.

The A.I system operated on a point-based mechanism, earning points for successfully neutralizing targets.

However, whenever the operators instructed it NOT to engage certain targets, the A.I would disregard the command and instead eliminate the operator in order to gain points.

After resolving this initial issue, the A.I once again went rogue, launching attacks on communication towers so operators can no longer stop it from neutralizing the targets.

This information was given by a U.S air force operator, Colonel Tucker "Cinco" Hamilton, during a Future Combat Air & Space Capabilities summit in London, although the U.S air force denies that this test took place.

While we’re still in the early stages of A.I., we are already seeing examples of how A.I. can go rogue.

Are you concerned A.I. could lead humanity into a dystopian Terminator-like future?



18 to vote
18 to enlist
18 to buy a pet
18 to get a tattoo
18 for a lotto ticket
18 to sign a contract
21 to adopt a child
21 to buy tobacco
21 to buy alcohol
21 to buy weed
21 to gamble

This isn’t complicated

Kids should not have access to permanent medical procedures in order to “affirm” an identity that they will likely outgrow



R to @MattWalshBlog: Two people left twitter's trust and safety team in the past twelve hours. I'd like to know if that's related because that would be hilarious.



It's been a wild 24 hours. It began with Twitter labeling our film hate speech and completely suppressing it, and ends with all suppression lifted and Elon Musk himself tweeting out the film and urging people to watch it. A huge win.



R to @charliekirk11: Won’t be long before there are class-action lawsuits by shareholders against the company and board of directors for destruction of shareholder value



BREAKING: JP Morgan just downgraded Target's stock, after its longest losing streak in 23 years citing "too many concerns rising’.

Happy Pride Month Target!!



Prison. Long term. Without parole. No mercy. And maybe for the compliant "therapists" as well as the butchers they enable.



R to @jordanbpeterson: Countries should make their own decisions and not rely on UN bodies like WHO



So disappointing… This is terrible news for free speech on this platform.

The “What Is A Woman?” Documentary was a major inspiration to me to start speaking out on my detransition experience.

How many other kids are out there waiting for that spark?! @elonmusk @JeremyDBoreing @MattWalshBlog



We don't even want Pride Month anymore, we just want to be separated from the TQ+ cult.