Elon Musk



I'd like to clear up a misunderstanding. I have no special affection or preference for Ron of House DeSantis, First of His Name, Re-opener of Businesses, Pornslayer, the Father of Florida and Free Men, the Unwoke, the Destroyer of Disney.

I was given a check the day I knelt before him and swore everlasting fealty, but I believe that was just for travel reimbursement.



"Diverse relationship statuses are on the rise" - American Bar Association (ABA).
Polygamy advocacy is not yet required to practice law in Alabama... But knowing your "Pronouns in the LGBTQ+ Community" is.

If you're complaining about "Wokeness" and you're not focused on dissolving these accreditation cartels... you're not a serious person.



“Gender Affirming Care” is in the best of cases a euphemism for a paid yes-man to continually affirm delusions and in the worst of cases a euphemism for putting children on horrible drugs or outright child mutilation.



Why has everything gone woke these days? ESG scores.

Here is BlackRock CEO Larry Fink along with the CEO of AmEx explaining his desire to “force behaviors” (2017):