Elon Musk



R to @fentasyl: Despite having the power of a government regulator, the ABA promotes illegal race-based quota systems like the Mansfield Rule.

This quota system is universal in big law because of the ABAs activities.



At one point, Matthew McConaughey had his acting career, his family, a foundation, a film production company, and a record company.

In 2008, he shut down the production company and the record label.

"I was making B’s in 5 things," he said. "I want to make A's in three things."

By shutting down the production company and the music label, McConaughey said, "I did start making much better grades, so to speak, in those 3 things."

“Alright, alright, alright.”

Takeaway 1:

“If you seek tranquillity,” the philosopher King Marcus Aurelius wrote, “do less.”

And then he points out that doing less "brings a double satisfaction."

You get the satisfaction of having fewer things on your to-do list. And you get the satisfaction of doing those fewer things at a higher level.

You get "to do less, better."

Takeaway 2:

Shutting down the production company and the music label, McConaughey said, was hard to do. He liked having a production company and a music label.

It reminds me of the legendary Apple designer Jony Ive's definition of focus:

“What focus means is saying no to something that you—with every bone in your body—think is a phenomenal idea, and you wake up thinking about it, but you say no to it because you’re focusing on something else.”

Focus requires sacrifice. Making A's, so to speak, requires saying no to things you like and want to do because you’re saying yes to things you love and have to do.

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"You gain more by finding a rich mine and mining it deeper, than by flitting from one shallow mine to another—intensity defeats extensity every time...As Schopenhauer wrote, 'Intellect is a magnitude of intensity, not a magnitude of extensity.'" — Robert Greene

Follow @bpoppenheimer for more content like this!



R to @PeterDiamandis: I don’t mean to suggest a headlong rush into AGI without considering the consequences



Either you adapt to AI, or your competitors will beat you to it. I'm not the only one saying it; you've already heard it from Elon and Sundar.



R to @VinceWaelti: Sounds like we’re messing up in multiple ways here and not enabling a way to clear things up. Please post screenshot of error message.



. @elonmusk Dude, I’ve got two Dishys (Dishies?) here. One standard and one in motion. Both say they’re not activated on an account, but they were just activated. I’m in a hotel parking lot with cables all over. Help. I can’t figure out how to contact support 😂 @Starlink



Generalized autonomy (see Tesla) is 100x harder than the brittle "self driving" tech we see here.

Everything perfectly matches the HD pre-map? "Great, I can do the party trick & drive you around".

Something doesn't match?

"Help Daddy, I'm scared. What do I do? Come get me."

Most people do not understand this important distinction. Another reason I am still buying Tesla stock with every spare cent. Tesla's FSD will scale widely because it is INTELLIGENT and Tesla has (mostly) solved vision (perception, planning and action). A Tesla "sees" the world, interprets what it sees in REAL TIME and acts accordingly. Everyone else has developed extremely narrow, very brittle technology that won't scale and has potato IQ and is a glorified party trick that requires guard rails and hand holding every step of the way.

Cruise, Waymo's tech is are like training a bird to peck "hello world" on a keyboard. Might look like the bird knows what it's doing and has a grasp on language but as soon as you move the keys around on the keyboard, "hello world" becomes "deaao ghwov" and the bird is exposed as a bird.

Actually, birds are much more intelligent than the brittle "self driving" tech Tesla's competition (outside of China) has developed, especially Corvidae. But you know what I mean.

Don't say I didn't warn you.



.@ElonMusk: “It Was Still the Right Move to Acquire Twitter, Even at the Outrageously High Price”

“Pretty much all of the social media companies and the search companies were acting in unison. So, where do you find the truth if everyone is in lockstep with a lie?”



Strategy of dishonest politicians and campaigns:

1) Tweet easily refutable lies
2) Get Community Noted
3) Complain about how “biased” Community Notes are, so supporters second-guess their validity

Rinse & repeat…
If you don’t like @CommunityNotes then consider … not lying



1/ In 2020, California changed insurance language on double mastectomies for gender dysphoric females from "cosmetic" to "reconstructive" to remove age limits for the surgery.

Normal breasts were reclassified as "abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects."