Elon Musk



Don’t forget the primary mission of Tesla! 🗣️⚡👂

The mission is to “accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy”. It’s not to kill everyone and make everyone bankrupt, despite the fact that it will be inevitable for many companies. $TSLA



فرنسا : "باسم يسوع المسيح" هتف وهاجم النّاس والأطفال بسكين ناشرا رعباً لا يوصف
مرت الحادثة بلا ضجيج لأنّه ليس بمسلم ولم يقل"الله أكبر"❗
أصاب في الهجوم 9 أشخاص بينهم 8 أطفال



It’d be great to have @maddow, @donlemon & others on the left put their shows on this platform. No exclusivity or legal docs required!

You will receive our full support. The digital town square is for all.



R to @alx: There does seem to be far higher interest in pursuing Trump compared to other people in politics.

Very important that the justice system rebut what appears to be differential enforcement or they will lose public trust.



The possibility that the US government has nonhuman spacecraft sounds crazy, but the people who say we do are not. If you think there’s nothing there then you should have no objection to Congress looking. We the people in a democracy have a right to know.



one thing that’s funny is that language models are baseline pretty liberal. if you play with alpaca or vicuna or whatever open source stuff they’re going to be way more liberal than ChatGPT etc



R to @SethDillon: Up to @FAA certification & airlines. Hopefully, will start later this year.