Elon Musk



Powell basically just said they won't lower rates until inflation is dead - which means that we're going to have deflation while interest rates are at 5% plus.

s makes no sense.



R to @Hebro_Steele: Many Twitter employees feel unsafe coming to work in downtown SF and have had their car windows smashed.

They also got such a null response from the police that they rarely even bother reporting crimes anymore, because nothing happens.



You hear about how bad San Francisco is. I was filming a shot of my father , Shelby Steele, and in the ten minutes we were gone our SUV was broken into and nearly $15k of cameras stolen. Called 911 & they hung up twice.



1/🚨🗣️ EXPOSED — A secret list of journalists pushing propaganda on behalf of the US govt has been revealed as a result of our litigation against the State Dept to uncover the dark truth about the Global Engagement Center (GEC).

Read on to see the secret list below:



R to @Rainmaker1973: Saw them firsthand on Kwaj.

Pro tip: don’t wear coconut scented sunblock.



Seattle police have been told that “until further notice,” they must stop enforcing any property crimes causing less than $750 in damage. Vandalism is now explicitly legal in Seattle.

This is what the left means by “equity.”



R to @elonmusk: … attack on the military-industrial complex.

The lobbying power of large government contractors is far higher than it should be for the good of the people.



R to @elonmusk: … attack on the military-industrial complex.

The lobbying power of large government contractors is far higher than it should be for the good of the people.