Elon Musk



R to @stillgray: For many celebrities, it’s actually their manager or “team” writing their tweets. Might be the case here.



R to @SamTwits: More importantly, I was head of product and led the design of the original Roadster. Eberhard was wealthy and could have risked his money, but was unwilling to do so.



R to @elonmusk: ArtCenter College of Design gave me an honorary degree for my work on the original Tesla Roadster



R to @elonmusk: Vindman is both puppet & puppeteer. Question is who pulls his strings … ?



R to @growing_daniel: Remote is fine, but the bar for excellence & trust is higher to overcome communication difficulties



Just a note to encourage people of different political or other views to engage in civil debate on Twitter.

Worst case, the other side has a slightly better understanding of your views.