Elon Musk



R to @MomAngtrades: Prior Twitter management & board lied to make their user numbers seem artificially higher, so turned a blind eye to fake/spam accounts



R to @ggreenwald: Seriously, they could just write one article and share it, since they all write exactly the same thing!



R to @micsolana: In a few months, we will remove all legacy blue checks. The way in which they were given out was corrupt and nonsensical.



R to @thevivafrei: A major fight broke out in the audience just as I was about to talk, so didnā€™t get to say much



R to @Erdayastronaut: Basic Blue will have half the number of ads. We will offer a higher tier with no ads next year.



R to @GuntherEagleman: First one was fine, but the booster knocked me flat for days. Way worse than when I got original C19 and was unvaccinated.