Fiesty / aisha/ whatever else she calls herself.

Mar 5, 2024
I respond because I know it kills you that I don't get angry. But nobody knows me or who I am. I'm just a name on a screen, fonting away to other names on a screen. I may not even be Lisa. I could be anyone. Yet you are so thick, you believe everything you are told and you believe everything you see. I'm enjoying taking the piss out of you idiots. I know what hits a nerve & what makes you get upset. I know 🤪
Awww bless you, you think you get us annoyed? We are laughing at how pathetic you are!! You’re so stupid! Everyone knows who you are, you don’t have the mental capacity to go incognito, you stick out like a sore thumb! Getting sacked for breaking data protection laws!! Oh dear, Lisa! Trying to get Aisha on enhanced rate PIP!
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Mar 9, 2024
You admitted you knew Aisha Auckland, previously known as ‘best’ is in a pedo discord
Oh look Lisa has changed account all of a sudden, we all know you have lots of accounts, I remember you trying to guess who we all were and you never got it right 😂 she’s one vile human and she’s friends with a beast feisty
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Mar 9, 2024
Oh look Lisa has changed account all of a sudden, we all know you have lots of accounts, I remember you trying to guess who we all were and you never got it right 😂 she’s one vile human and she’s friends with a beast feisty
Lisa answer me this how many accounts do you have on here? I will wait for your response, I bet it killed you not being able to join Tattle 😂 were we watch you go from one train wreck to another, I think you need to sit in a corner and have a quiet word with yourself 😂
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Mar 3, 2024
South Wales UK
You admitted you knew Aisha Auckland, previously known as ‘best’ is in a pedo discord
Oh no I didn't. Don't try to manipulate me because it will NEVER work. Aisha is NOT in a discord of any kind. Do you know how easy it is to fool fools like you lot that believe everything you read online 😂😂😂😂 Seriously, you're showing your stupidity. ANYONE can make a screen name/account name of Feisty! Until you have ACTUAL FACTUAL evidence of it being Feisty behind an account name, then you need to STOP with your stalking & trolling.
Right its time to let the cat out of the bag. Fanny fart is a friend of mine from tiktok who lives in Swansea. Her name is Ceris. She also has her real account name on here that she made back last yr. But I'm not telling you who she is.🤐
I have 3 accounts on here. This one & 2 other catlady accounts. There were 6 of us on here from our WA group chat but Feisty won't be back on here again because she wasn't interested in coming here in the first place. It's not her thing. I'm not saying who the other 3 are. AND this is my last post on any of my accounts as I'm bored🥱 yawn 🥱😴😴

Byeeeeeeeee Losers



Mar 9, 2024
Oh no I didn't. Don't try to manipulate me because it will NEVER work. Aisha is NOT in a discord of any kind. Do you know how easy it is to fool fools like you lot that believe everything you read online 😂😂😂😂 Seriously, you're showing your stupidity. ANYONE can make a screen name/account name of Feisty! Until you have ACTUAL FACTUAL evidence of it being Feisty behind an account name, then you need to STOP with your stalking & trolling.
Right its time to let the cat out of the bag. Fanny fart is a friend of mine from tiktok who lives in Swansea. Her name is Ceris. She also has her real account name on here that she made back last yr. But I'm not telling you who she is.🤐
I have 3 accounts on here. This one & 2 other catlady accounts. There were 6 of us on here from our WA group chat but Feisty won't be back on here again because she wasn't interested in coming here in the first place. It's not her thing. I'm not saying who the other 3 are. AND this is my last post on any of my accounts as I'm bored🥱 yawn 🥱😴😴

Byeeeeeeeee Losers

😂😂 look at you craving attention 😂😂 look at me look at me, I’m not telling who or what accounts belong to people 😂 listen to yourself you Daffodil, you won’t be going anywhere you never do, I’m sure we will spot you lurking into other threads being a vile WW


Mar 13, 2024
Oh no I didn't. Don't try to manipulate me because it will NEVER work. Aisha is NOT in a discord of any kind. Do you know how easy it is to fool fools like you lot that believe everything you read online 😂😂😂😂 Seriously, you're showing your stupidity. ANYONE can make a screen name/account name of Feisty! Until you have ACTUAL FACTUAL evidence of it being Feisty behind an account name, then you need to STOP with your stalking & trolling.
Right its time to let the cat out of the bag. Fanny fart is a friend of mine from tiktok who lives in Swansea. Her name is Ceris. She also has her real account name on here that she made back last yr. But I'm not telling you who she is.🤐
I have 3 accounts on here. This one & 2 other catlady accounts. There were 6 of us on here from our WA group chat but Feisty won't be back on here again because she wasn't interested in coming here in the first place. It's not her thing. I'm not saying who the other 3 are. AND this is my last post on any of my accounts as I'm bored🥱 yawn 🥱😴😴

Byeeeeeeeee Losers



Mar 13, 2024
Oh no I didn't. Don't try to manipulate me because it will NEVER work. Aisha is NOT in a discord of any kind. Do you know how easy it is to fool fools like you lot that believe everything you read online 😂😂😂😂 Seriously, you're showing your stupidity. ANYONE can make a screen name/account name of Feisty! Until you have ACTUAL FACTUAL evidence of it being Feisty behind an account name, then you need to STOP with your stalking & trolling.
Right its time to let the cat out of the bag. Fanny fart is a friend of mine from tiktok who lives in Swansea. Her name is Ceris. She also has her real account name on here that she made back last yr. But I'm not telling you who she is.🤐
I have 3 accounts on here. This one & 2 other catlady accounts. There were 6 of us on here from our WA group chat but Feisty won't be back on here again because she wasn't interested in coming here in the first place. It's not her thing. I'm not saying who the other 3 are. AND this is my last post on any of my accounts as I'm bored🥱 yawn 🥱😴😴

Byeeeeeeeee Losers



New member
Mar 22, 2024
Can’t wait for Lisa to comment now, sitting waiting patiently on my beanbag eating crisps 😂 come on Lisa what have you got there say now? What excuse are you going to use, cos from where I’m sitting you’re fed! You are a disgrace being friends with feisty/Aisha
Think u might be waiting a while lol
Mar 5, 2024
Oh no I didn't. Don't try to manipulate me because it will NEVER work. Aisha is NOT in a discord of any kind. Do you know how easy it is to fool fools like you lot that believe everything you read online 😂😂😂😂 Seriously, you're showing your stupidity. ANYONE can make a screen name/account name of Feisty! Until you have ACTUAL FACTUAL evidence of it being Feisty behind an account name, then you need to STOP with your stalking & trolling.
Right its time to let the cat out of the bag. Fanny fart is a friend of mine from tiktok who lives in Swansea. Her name is Ceris. She also has her real account name on here that she made back last yr. But I'm not telling you who she is.🤐
I have 3 accounts on here. This one & 2 other catlady accounts. There were 6 of us on here from our WA group chat but Feisty won't be back on here again because she wasn't interested in coming here in the first place. It's not her thing. I'm not saying who the other 3 are. AND this is my last post on any of my accounts as I'm bored🥱 yawn 🥱😴😴

Byeeeeeeeee Losers

Oh yes you did! Why are you so worried about being manipulated? Who’s triggered you babes? We all know who that ‘fanny fart’ account is! You think you’re 1 step ahead of us 🤣 you are very dense 🤣 there’s loads of proof on Aisha, I’m not even going to call her “fiesty” as she is far from ‘fiesty’ 🤣 she’s just a slimy slug who leaves her trail everywhere she goes!
We don’t even care that you’re her flying monkey! You’re the one who looks stupid and shady, supporting an abuser, a predator and a monster!
Mar 5, 2024
Hang on! Isn’t this the same tale she’s told about a drunk driver she reported from the bar she worked in? That she followed him home, smashed light, then went to police herself? Said she did as police did nothing. Same as her situation at bottom of this sheet. I’ve heard her repeat that tale several times. So has she done this multiple times? Or is she maybe lying to look a hero?
Yes, she uses the same story over and over then changes some details! She has a s memory, then again, slugs aren’t intelligent
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Mar 12, 2024
she's holding her head high and
That's a very twisted narrative James Hope. You are the only person who self adores. Now few questions for you how come after you reported my friend to social services for being in a group chat with him how come nothing was done and her kids weren't even placed on a child in need status? Being diagnosed with autism isn't a defence especially when you've said so many times on twitch how to outwit police. You think you are cleaver when actually you are fooling only stupid people.
Mar 5, 2024
Are you blind or just stupid? Maybe even both! She had friends, good ones who all defended her! That was until she showed her true colours! Friends don’t call their friend's ex abusers, friends don’t manipulate and use their friends for financial gain, friends don’t disrespect their friends homes and trash it, friends don’t accuse their friends of being a pedalo, friends don’t lie about the reasons why their friends are fighting for their life, friends don’t get jealous of their other friends who are getting just a little bit of attention 🤦‍♀️ I mean, I could go on but I think you get the picture! Your “friend” is not the nice person you seem to think they are! One day you’ll see that 😬


Mar 14, 2024
Are you blind or just stupid? Maybe even both! She had friends, good ones who all defended her! That was until she showed her true colours! Friends don’t call their friend's ex abusers, friends don’t manipulate and use their friends for financial gain, friends don’t disrespect their friends homes and trash it, friends don’t accuse their friends of being a pedalo, friends don’t lie about the reasons why their friends are fighting for their life, friends don’t get jealous of their other friends who are getting just a little bit of attention 🤦‍♀️ I mean, I could go on but I think you get the picture! Your “friend” is not the nice person you seem to think they are! One day you’ll see that 😬
Thought you wasn’t well according to the comments 😂😂
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