J.K. Rowling



R to @ImWatson91: You aren't alone, Sinead, I promise. Many, many people see the need to help and support you and are determined to do so. You shouldn't have to do so much heavy lifting when you're struggling. You're brave and compassionate, but it's ok to let others pick up the baton for a bit.



RT by @jk_rowling: Watch the trailer and count down to the UK release of the #TroubledBlood TV series!

Join Robin and Strike as they immerse themselves in a missing person case that's decades old, yet can still prove deadly.

Starts at 9pm on 11th December on @BBCOne

#RobertGalbraith #Strike



RT by @jk_rowling: I have written to Nicola Sturgeon urging her to suspend the GRR Bill.

Parliament must take evidence from the United Nations expert on violence against women and girls, @UNSRVAW.

Women's rights and safety are at risk. The Scottish Government must listen.



RT by @jk_rowling: One for the history books:
Six women escort a woman out of a stadium at #WorldcupQatar2022 simply for wearing a T-shirt that stands for the freedom of women. Remember this moment girls. One of the most ironic and iconic images of #IranRevolution #MahsaAmini #OpIran ⬇️



I'd say this is unbelievable, but of course it isn't. When our First Minister attends an event about male violence towards women and girls, the last thing she wants is some uppity woman mentioning the importance of female-only refuges or crisis centres.



Incredible. The Harry Potter audiobooks have now been listened to for over one billion hours on Audible - the equivalent of going through Hogwarts 14,000 times. Thank you, Stephen Fry and Jim Dale, for being the voice of so many childhoods ❤️🪄⚡



I've got that written down somewhere but I can't remember off the top of my head. I'll see whether I can dig it out (might be in the attic).



R to @damekatydenise: Sorry, Dame Katy. Would you forgive me if I sent you a few chairs?



R to @damekatydenise: Wait - you don't want the old wooden ones on which I've cunningly shortened every fourth leg? That's nine hours I'll never get back.



Scenes. In spite of all careful precautions, the First Minister has been accidentally exposed to some freedom of speech. Heads will surely roll.
(If nobody's yet sent that heckler a crate of whatever her favourite tipple is, do please send me her details