J.K. Rowling



R to @babooshka2002: I would urge you to read what he's actually written if you believe his aim is to prevent paedophiles offending rather than normalising and destigmatising paedophiliac desires/behaviours.



I note the genderists are now arguing that it doesn't matter that a paedophilia apologist was a trustee of a trans children's charity, because he was 'only one'. You know, I thought things were pretty bad when you were arguing to put convicted rapists in women's jails, 1/3



R to @jk_rowling: when you shrugged off masked men roughing up lesbian protestors and tried to shout down detransitioners talking about what was done to them by ideologically-captured doctors. Women, gay people and vulnerable kids have suffered real harm and you? You cheered it all on. 2/3



R to @jk_rowling: You still prefer wilful blindness and four word mantras to considering you might have got this badly wrong. You became part of an authoritarian, misogynist, homophobic movement and you didn't even notice. Enjoy the sense of your own righteousness while you can. It won't last. 3/3



R to @ATRward1349: Which minority group is this, Andrew? The pharmaceutical companies and doctors raking in cash? The queer theorists indifferent to real world consequences of dismantling safeguarding? Or are you defending PhD students who write papers on orgasming 'on or with' children?



India, I swear to God, if you want to start a petition for Mermaids to take me on in court, the first signature will be mine.



R to @jayrotoole: You are straw manning in an attempt to deflect blame from a movement that is kinder to rapists than women and more protective of big pharma than vulnerable children. Literally nobody here is disagreeing that most trans people are decent. The paedophile apologist isn't trans.



R to @JoeGayHistorian: No, thank you. People like you remind me how many wonderful allies there are out there xxx



R to @jk_rowling: Perfect example. The problem isn't that a man who wrote sympathetically about orgasming 'on or with' a child was made trustee of a children's charity, but that the TERFs might 'twist' his appointment. Then straight back to the self-soothing mantras, with a glow of inner virtue.



This fantastic 🧵 explains why women in Scotland are standing up. #WomensRally #WomensRights #WomenWontWheesht



I stand in solidarity with @ForWomenScot and all women protesting and speaking outside the Scottish parliament. #NoToSelfID



R to @DarcyWAHF: Guilty of wearing a dangerous T-shirt, huh? Well, women’s words ARE ‘literal violence’ 😘



RT by @jk_rowling: In transit today and wish it was towards the brilliant women of #Scotland gathering to say #NoToSelfID! Don't have a banner, but do have my badge. Wishing every Brave Heart success in a mission to safeguard & respect us ALL.

@NicolaSturgeon #nomeninwomensspaces



Today in my mentions I learn that I never cared about women's rights or child protection until the last couple of years. True, in 2000 I established the Volant Charitable Trust Volant Charitable Trust, which is now worth £70m, to focus on women's and children's issues, 1/2



R to @jk_rowling: and yes, I've poured time and money into a 17-year-and-counting campaign to ending child institutionalisation with @lumos. However, I accept that my efforts are pitiful compared to the critical humanitarian work of calling women TERFs all day on Twitter. #humbled #inspired 2/2



R to @jk_rowling: PS: I've just found out the trust, which was at just over £70m, is currently slightly below, but that's Liz Truss's fault, not mine.



We must see justice for #MahsaAmini, #NikaShakarami and all Iranian women currently being killed, beaten and a for standing up for their human rights. This is femicide.